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Posts posted by Monobrow

  1. Mmmm, well its been a little delayed because Sam has suddenly gotten very busy and certain things like Sandy, the holidays, and some real life stuff need to be addressed first.

    But we WILL announce a winner and start doing this stuff and get the ball rolling again! I think we will prob wait until after the New Year honestly, because everyone and their mother has gotten so busy, it doesn't make sense to announce then not do anything and lose momentum.

    It just makes sense to announce the winner then start doing stuff right away when we get unbusy! So thanks for your patience everyone!

  2. I can say that right now, I honestly don't care. I am over episodes 1-3, and I still enjoy the hell out of 4, 5, and 6. IMO this is just not something to get worked up over, because it seems inevitable that the stuff we love is getting treated pretty badly when people revisit it. Very few exceptions, and some of you will list things to me, and I will probably say I didn't like them either.

    That being said, getting worked up about it is not at all something I feel, because I've already decided to let pretty much most of the Star Wars (and many other childhood franchises I care about) go, because at least the things I do love will always be there to watch again. They aren't the holy grail, they are movies that we love, and if I know anything about people and our trends, we beat horses to death, we just do that.

    I don't think Disney is the worst choice, it's an odd choice, but not the worst for Star Wars... It's odd that Lucas would give away Star Wars in general to anyone for $$$. But maybe he realized that he really fucked it up and just doesn't wanna have his hands in it, and maybe he thought it would be safest with Disney, who knows.

  3. Haha sure, why not!

    Also keep in mind... I have been getting quite a few submissions from people who later then amend their previous submission. While we will of course accept amended subs, I think I will put a limit of 3 on there.

    You have over a month to make a submission, there's no rush, so please anyone who enters or plans to enter, take your time! And since the deadline is a month away, I will try to update this thread (and many others) periodically to remind anyone who planned to enter (but may have forgotten) when we are nearing the end!

    Thanks for all the submissions thus far, and I hope we get many more!

    Also while we are at it, if anyone has any good ideas for later contests for us to hold (we've already had a few different ideas thrown at us), now would probably a good time!

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