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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. As with most series that have been around for almost 20 years, they must have felt that it was time to try out something different. Mega Man Battle Net was different, and it worked out pretty good. Why not try something else?

    Maybe I'll look into it. I haven't been good at Mega Man for a long time, but this might be the time to try it again.

  2. OOoh, the charcter designs are ugly. I can't play the game now, it will ruin my eyes.

    Boo fucking hoo. When I was your age, we used to look at puke green squares moving around puke orange circles. And that was just our movies!

    I did too. But SD artwork still isn't exactly appealing. I guess it's wrong to have preferences, huh?

    Yes. Yes it is.

    Although, I love how some people (both here and on other boards I have been checking out), say that they don't like how the characers in FF:CC look, but then rave about how great the man/woman character from FF13 looks.

    Fucking hilarious.

  3. OOoh, the charcter designs are ugly. I can't play the game now, it will ruin my eyes.

    Boo fucking hoo. When I was your age, we used to look at puke green squares moving around puke orange circles. And that was just our movies!

  4. HAA! Fools! I knew that things might turn out this way! That's why I put a significant portion of my tax refund in a "Buy Video Games Later" fund (namely my saving account which I never use anyway), which I will then use to buy not only a DS Lite, but a Wii as well. And several games for each! HAAAA HAAA HAAAA!

    Saving up is hard to do, but not when the government gives you money for filling out some paperwork.

  5. Hmmm... I see that Elite Beat Agents is the sequal to Ouden... or whatever the hell it's called. That game where a bunch of guys cherrlead you to doing better, by tapping the screen in time with certain beats and lights.

    And it's in english, so that means it's coming out here.

    I have a friend that was thinking of spending $100 on an imported copy from a store in town. I think he'll enjoy this news (and the price) a lot more.

  6. True, but since we have a PS3 thread now, there's presidence.

    Also, someone should logicly create a 360 and PSP thread, to create equal coverage for all the systems. After all, it's only fair, right?

  7. What? We have a Wii thread, but not a DS thread? And by DS thread, I don't mean one about playing online games. Sory, but that one has gone far off its original point.

    Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

    Any way, here's some screenshots from a game that I have been waiting for info on for months.


    Not that big a jump graphicly from RSE/FiLe, but at least they finally showed us something. Most games usually let out a few pics here or there after half a year. It's been over a year. Almost two, I think.

    Now, most people will say "pokeymon, LOL!" (and I fully expect someone to, right after this) and go back to the SSBB thread. And that's fine. But remember, Pokemon singlehandedly saved the Gameboy back in the mid 90s in Japan, and really boosted sales in North America in the late 90s. The GBA versions broke records on number of sold copies, and made Nintendo a lot of money. And while the DS isn't hurting from the PSP, it will see yet another boost from these games. It's a simple fact: Pokemon sells.

    Back on topic... It seems that the overall graphic design is mostly the same, even though we're dealing with far more powerful hardware from ten years ago. But that's not the biggest issue. The biggest issue is the writting and plot.

    How many times can you run into Team "Insert Word Here", beat them up a few times, and then they just give up and go away? Even the last games had the same premise, but slightly improved.


    Next, we have the new Starfox. It's fucking Starfox! On the DS! You should know about this by now! Jesus christ, if you don't check it out at any of your favorite gaming sites.

    Casltevania: Portrait of Rain

    Another Castlevania game, another reason to buy a DS. Two characters to play this time, at the same time. More touch-screen usage as well. IGN, 1UP.com, everybody has this game covered.

    Kirby DS

    Sucks. Haa haa, just kidding. It's supposed to be a lot more like the usual Kirby games. Some have found fault with this, others praise it for returning to the tried-and-true format. Either way, it's more of the same pink-puffball goodness we all know and love.

    This time, the touch-screen is used to actvate and combine items inside of Kirby's belly. Sounds sort of weird, yes, but think about combining two different attacks you've sucked up and saved for later. Suddenly, you have more powerful and varied attacks at your disposal.

    Mario Hoops 3-on-3 Hands-on

    SquarEnix made a street B-ball game for the DS. I'm somewhat surprised by this.

    Lunar Knights

    Sounds interesting, but I was never able to play either of the GBA games.I like the idea of time and weather effecting gameplay. I wonder if it will run off of the internal DS clock and calender for this, or if it will just randomly generate it.

    There are a lot of DS games coming out this year, and most of them are being shown at this years E3. I'm actually happy (seriously, I am smiling as I read the reviews and comments on these titles) about the future of portable gaming. I've always been a huge portable fan, ever since I was given a Gameboy back in 1990 as a gift. All the way up to now, I still have a major preference over consoles (although I do own and play them), and I think I'll end up buyng whatever portable comes out after the DS.

    Anyone else notice any DS games that have been overlooked or need more praise?

  8. Descent 2 and 3 final bosses. In D2, you could only hurt it on a tiny spot on its back, which of course was impossible to get to because everytime you went for it, the boss would turn to face you, perfectly putting the rest of its non-destroyable body in the way.

    In D3, it fires twelve frag missles at once, then switches to a laser that can cut through the walls of the level. Then it fires homing missles, then uss micro black-hole generator to suck you in close and kill you in one shot.

  9. You know, I've been listening to this song for about two and a half years now. I first heard it when I found out about OCRemix, and that was only because of a friend that had been downloading the songs since the sites inception.

    Anyways... Despite the fact that I've grown tired with most of the music I have now, I still enjoy JV's song as much as I did when I first heard it. Something about it keeps me interested in it time and again. Even though there are other versions of the same song, I can't help but smile a little bit when it pops up on Winamp every so often. It's one of the few remaining songs I still get excited about when I hear it starting.

    So, for making something that has managed to still hold my interest after all this time, and considering I get bored with songs after only a few weeks and I am constantly searching for more and more new music, I say, to you JV, kudos and thanks.

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