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Posts posted by ambient

  1. Great beats and synths! However, intro is a bit too repetitive, which could be remedied by having it build up gradually. Also, until 1:55 I can't tell what I am listening to, could be anything, could be an original track (a pretty solid one at that). While there are allusions to the Chrono title theme, they are not overt enough to satisfy the judges. Finally, the lo-fi lead that is playing the main melody is a little boring - you can either alter the melody or add some movement or both.

    Hope you finish this track as it has a ton of potential!

  2. I need to brush up on my CT sources before giving this a closer listen. There's stuff I recognize as being CT, stuff I recognize as being familiar and... stuff I have no idea what they are.

    Rozo - the arrangement is definitely not too liberal, I don't think there are any large purely original section. Rockos played really well with the source to adapt it to the genre.

    Rockos - the main gripes to me would be in the production department. All of your synths sound good, but somehow when they all come together, it just doesn't sound as full and as badass as it should. I think it could be that your bass synths probably do not have enough low end (they sound like they are skewed more towards the mid-range) and your drums need to be more prominent, the kick probably moreso than the rest.

    My personal preferences, and take these with a grain of salt, would be to have more prominent sidechaining to add more pump, and maybe overall compression. Also, I think you should play with reverb and delay, as your track sounds a tad bit dry. Finally - 3:20 to 3:23 is a bit too dissonant for my taste.

    I think it is really the finer details that you need to iron out here. Can't wait to hear an update!

  3. Hi all! I am looking for a female vocalist for a SOR2 remix I am working on. The most recent version of the WIP can be found here: http://soundcloud.com/ambientonline/sor2-dreamer-v3. It is coming together rather quickly and I think it is time to get someone on board.

    I have some ideas for the lyrics, but I am also open on working with someone who chooses to write their own.

    PM me or just reply to this message if you are interested.

  4. Ok, so, was playing around with reason today and started working on a remix of Dreamer from SOR 2. I've been wanting to remix this track for ages now, but knew that I lacked the skills to do it exactly how I envisioned it. But I think now I am close to doing this great source tune justice. It is still just the first minute and a half, and it has a "club mix" style intro, but I think it is something that I can already share. Eventually, it would be great to get a female vocalist for this one.

    Anyhow, here it is:


    EDIT: Updated version is now up. 1:33 is where vocals or lead would come in.

    EDIT 2: Posted version 5. This is a substantially reworked version of the remix.

    EDIT 3: Version 6 now linked.

  5. I really love this theme (though I do like the SOR SuperMix version from SOR 2 better). Thing is, the original is already so well arranged that unless you are really going to do something innovative and fresh with it, most remix attempts will sound too close to the original, at least to me. Same is true about your version - it comes off more as a cover than a remix.

    Over time there have been just too many near covers of this theme hitting the WIP forums (I actually did one too in my early days on OCR), that I am kinda numb to them, unless it is something that really stands out.

  6. Alright, let's see what we have got here.

    Intro - fade in... Not a fan. Needs to be something better than that.

    At 0:20 I would bring in an additional, sharper snare, layered on top of the one you already have, it will give the mix more a sense of progression that Bahamut was talking about.

    At 0:38 I would either bring in a harsh bass or a deep distorted bass pad with a lot of movement.

    At about 2:30 I would put in a section with no beats and some harmonies, before coming back in with the main theme full force (perhaps with some variations and layered pads). And from that point I would keep the same outro.

    Just really some suggestions. I think your mix already sounds good, it just needs some minor tweaking to be great.

    Good job!

  7. I like what you have done in the second part, but I think overall there are some production elements and repetitive patterns throughout the track that will keep your remix from being posted. I also think that it is too close to the original.

    There is this guy Doni, who made an electro remix of this track:


    I really like what he did that with the bass. But once again, his track is too close to original. And actually somewhat similar to your track, that I in fact first thought that this is a new version of that electro remix.

    Your production is almost there, but what you really need to work on is arrangement - at least taking the source and making it your own. SOR soundtrack is already electronic/dancey, so it is hard to make a track that doesn't sound like a rip of the original without really changing it up.

    You have some good ideas going here, but this needs more work before it's ready.

  8. I think I love this.

    The section at about 2:45 (I think - Tindeck doesn't have a timeline) that changes keys is throwing people off, though (including myself). If I recall correctly, the source actually does drop down to that area for a section, but not at that particular spot. I would consider changing that back into the original key.

    Otherwise, this is fucking awesome.

    Thanks for the comments :) Glad you like it.

    Yeah, that transition was a little awkward. There were a couple of bars in the source that were just going crazy before getting back to the original key, but no matter how much I tried it just didn't work in this dancy style, so I had to take it out. However, I think the new transition should fix the problem:


  9. yup. they're good. so what dude? more knowledge of chords would still make him a musician with a slightly more varied and conscious pool of choices.

    i can name a hundred things my musical progress is hampered by. i'm still happy enough with most of the tunes. it's not always a result but also a process thing.

    everyone is a little lazier about some aspects of his craft. it doesn't necessarily result in poor crafting.

    just don't deify halc cause you really like his music. cause i'll show up and write an extremely differentiated and boring post to set things right nobody cares about.

    I don't think this has anything to do with deifying halc. It is just that halc is the only 'name' remixer who came out and admitted to using midi's as a starting point. There are a lot more of us out there.

    Creative process is creative process no matter how it happens. What matters is the end result. How you get there is secondary.

    That being said, you guys are all chumps. I actually composed the entire Chrono Trigger, Cross, and SOR soundtracks all in one night, travelled back in time, and gave them to Square and Sega respectively. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  10. I think 5 cms/second was probably a really good movie, but it just...it made me feel really bad. I was in kind of a weird funk the whole next day after I watched it. I don't really know a better way to describe it.

    The Placed Promised in our Early Days was, however, really enjoyable for me. (same director).

    Thanks for the recommendation, will check it out.

    5 cms per second was a bit depressing, but that is what made it stand out. Kind of a real life take on what happens to pure childhood feelings and dreams.

    How about Aoi Bungaku? Anyone seen that? I was blown away, especially by Hellscreen. It definitely isn't everyone's cup of tea though...

  11. anyone who thinks the music in cowboy bebop is jazz doesn't know anything about jazz music

    that's not to say that cowboy bebop doesn't have great music, because it does

    Also, a lot of the music in Samurai Champloo isn't really hiphop.

  12. I get where you are coming from. It's just that all of the things that made Bebop great were things that I didn't like. I can't deny that the show has class. But I don't like jazz and the story is the most important part of a game, anime, or film for me. It just wasn't a good match. However, the ship designs for Outlaw Star were unreal.

    Fair. I see where you are coming from.

    EDIT: And to be honest, Real Folk Blues annoyed the crap out of me.

  13. I have a different opinion on Cowboy Bebop. I'm watching it for the first time and I'm on episode 20. Honestly, I find it really boring. Ed is annoying, Fey is evil, and Spike is emotionless. I heard that you could compare it to Outlaw Star (one of my favorites) and that it was better than it. But I'm just not getting into it at all. The one thing that saved it for me is Steven Blum doing the voice of Spike. At least in Outlaw star, the world was richer, and there was a bigger storyline that tied in the whole series together. Bebop on the other hand, is a list of stand alone stories that don't mean anything the next episode.

    Honestly, I would have also described Outlaw Star as a poor man's Cowboy Bebop. I also didn't like the art style of Outlaw Star, sorry, I know, this might make me sound superficial. But anime is an audiovisual storytelling vehicle, so aesthetics are an important factor. And Cowboy Bebop is one of those where all the elements come together to create a beautiful thing.

  14. also Samurai Champloo

    I think Samurai Champloo is the only anime series that I have rewatched in its entirety, and still immensely enjoyed it (unless you count FLCL as a series, which I rewatched maybe 3-4 times). I will probably rewatch it again soon. I really enjoyed all of it, the crazy, action-packed episodes, and the subtle, melancholic, slow ones. The soundtrack was pretty sweet too.

    Also, really enjoyed Fu's character. She was not your typical big-breasted anime eye candy bimbo. It was refreshing to have a female character that was not there as pure fan service.

    Since we are talking anime, did people here see 5 cms per second? What did you think?

  15. I tried watching Evangelion first like ten years ago, there was just so much hype around it that I just had to check it out. It was a little slow, but what turned me off was not the pace, or the giant robots (I don't like mecha in general, well, maybe original Robotech was ok), or Shinji's character - it was the pointless usage of judeo-christian symbolism. Originally, I thought that it would be integrated into the story in some clever way, but it had no point whatsoever, and I found that distracting. Coincidentally, this is the same reason why I didn't enjoy Xenosaga and quit playing the first one half-way through.

  16. Ok, Judges. Got one for you.

    I am almost done with a remix that uses samples from like 5 different posted OCRemixes, most in rather subtle and (I think) clever ways. It is a tribute mix to Marc Star's remix of Sakura's Theme from Street Fighter. It is definitely its own remix.

    Would a limited usage of samples (like small string phrases, drum fills, guitar licks) from other OCRemixes be acceptable when submitting a remix?

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