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Posts posted by Dectilon

  1. Because Castlevania is a rock-metal game-series :P

    Like... Metallica S&M or something :) This remix was kinda plain. It's been done before and will be done again. Its only problem is that it isn't particularly heavy. More "live" castlevania metal! More lyrics! Considering what metal lyrics is usually about I don't think the challege is that great :)

  2. Genial to see that the exists Swedish remixare also, gives this side a mixture of nationalities.

    Hursomhelst, this each then a huge there and thoughtful remix, the original is of course actually quite hectic, so that one sheep panic when one does not find the stupid button to next room, but due to your has the now got an a lot of more cooler outside. I am no expert of musical genres, but alone thinks I that this lets more as blue than jazz, about the existed a saxophone sunbathing perhaps I willed intend about, but now existed the no.

    Summary sensible: Good tune, can have the as background music when as entire pcs. Neskvartetten, you do us Swedish proud

    Man, you just made my day with that translation! Did you run it thru an online translator? :D

  3. Brilliant, I need not say more. But I will. You all know the instruments that are in there, you all know the drums, but there are still few pieces of this genre that really feels like there's been thought and work put into it. With 34 seconds, this great song was made. And if that's all it takes, I'll be pushing reload until your next one is up ^^

  4. I acctually liked this song. It must have taken some serious work to bring out those "lyrics" or whatever. But, I get the feeling this is Sephiroth lite. Just doesn't push down on you like the real song. Of course, the quality is much better than da MIDI, so I'd rather listen to this, but if there was a remix more like the original "god o death" song, I think I'd rather listen to that. Still, great tune.

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