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Posts posted by CapnHulk

  1. Hi. Yeah, so, about me.. I'm a newbie, but I posted a bit on the Politics, Philosophy, and Religion board before realizing there was a board for newbies. Hopefully I won't stick around too long; I enjoyed the heated discussion back there..

    Actually, everything needed to know about me is in my profile, and you can find out everything else yourselves as we go.

    EDIT: Check out the Philosophy board.

    Welcome to OCR.

  2. Alrighty then, I go by the Gold Dragon of Twilight (Its in Jap.), and I suppose that I should post here to ensure that my already fragile personality isn't further crushed by my lack of competence... Oh well... This is the first time I have ever [EVER!!!] used a forum in my life, and I was hoping I could at least come here to share my time with some fellow video game enthusiasts. I am completely clueless on a lot of the abbreviations that are used freely around here, like the "pwed" that was in response to my first post. Is there any def of the thing, and I have used a search engine and get some kind of government bill... I dunno...

    I guess I'm obligated to talk a little about myself as well. As you can see from my sig, I am a perspective concept designer for video games, and am presently in college to pursue my lifelong dream of creating them myself. I come to the forums to look for the present consumer outlook and see what people want and don't want in a game nowadays. I was first into'ed to OCRemix by Terra in Black, and now I come back on a regular basis for inspiration (Thank you Beatmainia 2DX 'Kick your A' and Wild Arms 'Not Alone in the World' for inspiring C.O.P.E.) Presently I am here to find a way to manipulate the course of forum conversations to further my market research of those who actually play games. Hardcore Gamers like myself...

    Which brings me to a question. Would anyone know where or if I should post a topic on the current state of Japan? I know that some of the members here have to be from Japan or at least visited before, and I want to know what its like to live there from a natural source... I can get plenty of technical stuff from the net, but I want personal Exp. and real opinions. Its needed for a work I have in progress... I have no pen pals, I fear chat rooms like the plague, and I missed my chance to go there myself my Junior Year of HS over a stupid Passport!!! But anyways, does it belong under politics and economy or is that a General type message?

    And to conclude (DANG! Every Time he Writes it's a BOOK!!) I'd just like to say:

    1. I'm just about as Anti-American as a person in the Marines can be... (He's not in the Military, he just grew up with a bunch of Jar-Heads)

    2. I'm just about as black as Vanilla Ice cruisin' down MLK Blvd. in a Caddy with Hydrolics. (Give it up man, now you're trying too hard...)

    3. I'm obsessed about video games, and I hope that with positive input from others on this forum, I can help make someone's console dream become a reality. (Man, you were just saying that so you could have a round three remarks)

    And finally, the person in the Parentheses is usually Mike... He'll keep us on the same page when necessary.

    © 2004. Why Is He Still Writing! Publishing Co.


  3. Thanks for the comments everyone.

    For those of you who think the guitar was balanced wrong, or too loud. I actually have a second remastered version of this that I released on a soundtrack for a game earlier this month. If you really want to hear it (and some other guitar pieces that FIDGAF and I have come up with) you can download the soundtrack here:


    The Remastered version of this remix is music_bar_generic02.wav

    Glad to hear you like it.

    I was so confused at first. I listen to this remix and I say to myself, "Holy shit! This FIGDAF guy took a song from Orichalcons soundtrack!" Then I noticed the "TO"...

    Oh well, I got to hear the song early at least. (DL the soundtrack if you haven't)

  4. I'd like a sig; I don't have any software to really do anything with pictures (except Paint, but I have no patience and a twitchy hand, so that's no good).

    If possible:

    -the words "Xenon Odyssey"

    -A pic of Fierce Diety from Zelda: Majora's Mask

    -A pic of the Master Sword

    -Lightning background

    If that's not possible, than at least "Xenon Odyssey" and the lightning background. Take your time; I'll probably forget I posted this after ten minutes.

    And the only reason I'm not requesting in the UnMod thread is because it would really be fantasic to have my parents walk by me as I browse the forum and ask "What the hell kind of site are you at!?" when they see the Mastrabation Marathon thread.

    Is this okay?

  5. I could really use a graphical sig, for once. I've been without one since I got here.

    Perhaps a simple horizontal one; similar to the current SoundTempest logo (http://soundtempest.net/images/st.jpg) in terms of font and the speaker thingies, but with a more interesting and less complex texture. I'm no artist, so I can't suggest anything useful :(

    I whipped this up.

    Comments? Gripes?


    Sion, I'll see what I can do, but it may take a while. Fusing 2 characters and making them look good may prove challenging.

    hey, pretty cool! two minor things:

    1. could you change the font to something even more "digital", possibly?

    2. lowercase "z"

    then it would be perfect :D :D thanks!

    How's this?

  6. I could really use a graphical sig, for once. I've been without one since I got here.

    Perhaps a simple horizontal one; similar to the current SoundTempest logo (http://soundtempest.net/images/st.jpg) in terms of font and the speaker thingies, but with a more interesting and less complex texture. I'm no artist, so I can't suggest anything useful :(

    I whipped this up.

    Comments? Gripes?


    Sion, I'll see what I can do, but it may take a while. Fusing 2 characters and making them look good may prove challenging.

  7. I would like to request a sig. I'll give the details and let you work your magic...

    I want the head (without the neck and collar), necklace, gloves (one on the right works for both hands if you flip it), and boots from this pic:


    pasted onto their corresponding spots on this pic:


    Here's kind of an idea as to what I want (only not crappy):


    Also, it would be nice if I could get "Sion Mercurius" behind the figure (no higher than the head so that it actually goes behind but so that enough of the text still shows so that you know what it says) in something simple/elegant. I just want it to look cool.

    I'm very lenient about it. I just want a Sionmercurius hybrid. It seems pretty hard to pull off so if you don't want to waste your time on it that's perfectly fine. I mean, hell, I gave up on it. But if you do attempt it, you can really do what you want with it. I really just want the basic figure in better quality. :mrgreen: Oh yeah. And also a background of some sort. You can do whatever you want with that. :wink:

    P.S. Sorry for not resizing the images. I don't have time right now.

    Redo your post.

  8. Hey, I'm not exactly a n00b, but what the hell.

    Name's SILVERWOLF_87, Live in Oregon and I'm good with computers. Whether it be programming, digital imaging, building, gaming, repairing, or just tweaking, I've done it all. Hell, I even made a computer case out of legos (check my sig).

    I also enjoy making things. Mostly maps for games. I'm working on a really kickass warcraft 3 map right now with a few other people from the clan AFO WC3 division. Stay tuned :)

    Anyway, I'm working on a remix of my own, but I probably won't submit it, due to the fact that I lack recording equipment for my piano and don't want to learn any music software. I could always use the cheap microphone that I have laying around somewhere :wink:

    I am intrigued by the Warcraft map. TELL. NOW.

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