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Posts posted by CapnHulk

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I thought since this is my first time in the forums I'd just say hi to you all. I'm a 21 year old that's actually been coming to this site for a few years now, and I've been a huge fan since I first laid ears on the place. I've made myself a nice collection of CD's from some of the remixes here. Have to say some of my favorite Remixes come from Final Fantasy 6 though, but thats been my all time favorite final fantasy simply because its that game who's music first inspired me to learn to play piano. since then I've learned to play guitar too, shadows theme was my first guitar song :D

    Well I should tell you a little more about me.. Ive been married since I was 19 to a beautiful wife I met over the internet. Im originally from Alberta Canada but moved to New Hampshire USA so my wife could be with her family. I have a 14 month old son who actually is a young fan of many of the songs on this site. I'm a pretty nice guy so don't be afraid to make friends with me, I dont bite.

    You don't? That's a shame...

  2. Hello all, thought I'd post my hello in here just so I can say I did.

    I've been around for a while, lurking, I even submitted a remix of my own. (REJECTED!!!) I used to play EverQuest, but am now having lots of fun with the Fillipino Martial Arts. (And working off that EverQuest junkie body, ugh...)

    Why did I make a new username? I wanna be free to speak my mind. :wink:

    *Stumbles off to Unmod*


  3. Ehm... Sorry to ruin the thread, but...


    We don't really need request threads for individual sig makers... :?

    Read the first post.

    UnMod isn't very n00b friendly so I figured I would make a thread in the one place where they are welcome. I never meant for this to be a "ask Capn for a sig!!!111" thread, I just figured I would be one of a handful of people that would volunteer and help out. Guess I was wrong.

  4. Yeh probbably...although, not necessarily if it still looks nice with the quote...

    P.S.: Here's a miserable attempt at making the 'A' into an 'H', if you like it, I could spend some more time cleaning it up and junk...NewCapnSig2.jpg

    P.P.S.: Well, I found a couple of pics clunking around on my harddrive and attached text to them...i'm currently working on reducing the size to an acceptable state.

    Thanks for the attempt, but I sort of like the A the way it is, maybe I should change the color of the A in my name?

    Making your own sig is usually pretty rewarding. I'll see if I can whip something up for you in the morning.

  5. CapnHulk, excellent work. I like what you did with Sly's sig, and it's always nice to change your own sig every now and again. Even though I liked the old one better... :)

    No, this isn't a request, just a complement. I look forward to seeing some more of your work on the boards.

    EDIT: Sweet merciful crap man, I just looked at the time of those posts! How long did it take you for each sig, one hour? Crimony, and you said you weren't any good with photoshop you freaking liar! :)

    Well, I like the old one too(plus someone made that for me) but I wanted to try my hand at my own. I'll probably end up cycling through them or something.

    Thanks for the compliments.

  6. If you're new to the site and want a sig then here's the place to sign up.


    Just post a description of what you want with a few pictures(if you can) and we'll see what we can do.

    • Now, I'm no pro with Photoshop so if any of the regulars want to help me out with this that would be great.
      (Thanks to Chizniz, Joyzilla, Gorveg, GZC and everyone else. You guys rule.)
      (There is a
    sig request thread in UnMod as well as a thread with various PS techniques, so be sure to visit as it is a great resource.)

    Don't like waiting for a request to get finished? Then you might like this next idea.

    This is it:


    This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has and ideas, PM me. If you have a contribution, emial me at Maco70@gmail.com. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want.

    While I prefer the usual request method, this could prove to be a good secondary resource. Be sure to give credit to the site if you decide to use anything. Also remember that the site is still new so there isn't much in it yet. Expect more pictures as time goes on.

  7. Here's a game I literally have never beaten, and I've owned it since shortly after it came out. The reason isn't just the "bosses", but the game itself.

    In Road Rash for the Genesis, you have to go through five rounds, with five races in each round. Each round gets harder as you go along. Now, I've been on Round 5 with two races won, and three races yet to be qualified for I don't know how many years now. You have to get 4th place or higher to qualify, but the lead bikers are so insanely fast, it's not possible to catch them. And they obviously never crash into anything, because the leader board never seems to change.

    I have the fastest bike, the best handling, and I'm pretty good at the game. But there is no way to catch these guys even if it was a flat barren wasteland with no objects anywhere on the road. But it's not like that at all. See, you need the fastest bike to have any hope in winning, as the lead bikers have them... or bikes close to them. The terrain is seriously hilly with damn sharp turns and traffic going both ways constantly. You have to go fast, but in doing so, you get launched off hills into cars, trees, and bad landings that result in big wrecks... which usually eliminates any progress you may have made up to that point. It takes about ten wrecks for your bike to break and knock you out of the race, and those ten wrecks come mighty quick in Round 5.

    So besides having insanely fast lead bikers, you have to choose with Road Rash. Do you wanna go slow and not even finish in the single digits, or do you wanna haul ass and wreck constantly? You don't have a middle ground, as slowing down for hills and turns makes anyone you passed come flying up behind you and either pass you or knock you off your bike.

    It's a no win situation as far as I can tell.

    Road Rash isn't exactly a gem. The first one on Playstation though....mmmmmmm.

  8. -Golem Twins from Chrono Trigger

    -Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts (Not from FF7, had no trouble with him in that game)

    -Ruby and Emerald Weapons from FF7

    -The Skedar Priest from Perfect Dark (until I found out that you had to destroy the pedestal)

    -The painting monster in FF6 (or 3, whichever you prefer)

    Why does everyone think Sephiroth was hard in Kingdom Hearts? That battle is like something out of Megaman. He has a simple pattern and if you pay attention he's a piece of cake.

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