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Neo Samus

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Posts posted by Neo Samus

  1. Oh my God, this is wonderful! I had given up home for Fire Emblem DS because it had been so long. I figured they would have done this years ago!

    I wonder what setting it will be in. I wonder if this be the beginning of a whole new story line, or will this be a continuation of a previous story, such as FE8, the Sacred Stones?

    P.S.: this post was written on my Wii via USB keyboard.


    Looks like a remake of the very first one. I'm excited since they never brought the first one to the US.

  2. Where exactly are you guys seeing these damn icons?

    A link would be very helpful.

    I would post it but I'm at work....damn filters!!!! But the icons are on the top left of each update. For example, Sonic. Where you see his name (above his picture) to the left of his name shows his icon. I hope this helps. If not, can someone post an image, and if possible not from Smashbros.....filter blocks the images from there.....

  3. Ok never done this before but here goes.

    Wave Race Yes: One of the most impressive titles ever for the N64. To this day there have been many copycats but nothing can compare to how fulid WR64. From the graphics (I still say wow to them), to the amazing control, to the overall fun factor. I can still play this game of hours a day and never get bored. A must have for an N64 or Wii owner.

    Army Men Sarges Heroes No I agree with Sephfire. I found myslef very boerd playing AM: SH. Everything about the game was very bland and the control was very unresponsive.

  4. I agree that underage kids should not be buying Violent materal (games , movies, etc.), but I have been a strong believer in Parents should control what their kids play. I understand why Jack did what he did, but the guy as gone fucking mad.

    Most stores I go to (I live in IL) do card younger kids, or will tell them they are not old enough. Actually one time a parent walked into a gamestop with her son. Her son looked about the age of 10-12. He wanted Leisure Suit Larry, Magna Cum Laude and the gamestop employee said "oh that game is not for kids. It's very perverse". The mother didn't have a clue about games but thanked the gemtleman for helping her out. So it just goes to show you that not every employee ignores policies.

  5. The landmaster final smash looks almost what I imagined about the excite truck thing yesrterday. O_O

    I like the little bits of info they are giving. Some of you say that Sakuari is showing us way too much. I bet that we only know about 15% or less of the whole game.

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