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JH Sounds

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Posts posted by JH Sounds

  1. I'm listening to the soundtrack again after watching the film a second time, and I really appreciate the subtle nuances Daft Punk put into the writing relative to the scenes. For example, the music when Sam meets Gem in he street contains elements from the earlier armory scene (the place he met her the first time). Cool stuff.

  2. On topic: I haven't seen the movie yet, but I plan to. So is the Inception-style music a big part of the soundtrack, or is it mostly for the trailers? And same question again, but replace "Inception-style" with "Daft Punk style"...?

    All of the trailer music is included in the film in some form. The more "Daft Punk-style" music occurs in the nightclub scenes, and the more "Inception-style" music occurs in battle scenes. There's also softer music in expository scenes, and so on.

  3. I saw it, and a couple of things about the character Tron bugged me.

    1) His involvement felt so minimal. They could have pretty much just put some other character in and it would have been exactly the same.

    2) SPOILER When Tron suddenly turned good, it felt utterly convenient without any cause pretty much. My thoughts were just like "Oh look, the only way they can get out of this is if Tron does something. Oh look, he is good suddenly. If they had shown throughout the film that Tron was fighting back against his... redness, then it might have made more sense. But it was just so dang convenient for him to suddenly change like that. Perhaps 'contrived' is a better word for it.

    I was under the impression that Tron was reprogrammed or "re-purposed" by Clu, and that Tron remembered his original purpose after Kevin confronted him in the aerial battle.

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