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JH Sounds

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Posts posted by JH Sounds

  1. I just saw it. As a feature-length music video for Daft Punk's score, it's pretty kickass. Storywise, I didn't realize there would be so much backstory involving the ISOs, and it makes me want to check out the tie-in game and graphic novel.

  2. Judging from the score, it sounds like Daft Punk had very little involvement.

    According to interviews, Daft Punk worked closely with the filmmakers for 2 years to create the soundtrack. I'm hoping the duo explore more orchestrated material in their next studio album.

  3. Listening to the soundtrack on Youtube, I was pretty disappointed. It just sounds like generic Hollywood over-epic music done with some electronic instrumentation. I was hoping for a movie full of four on the floor dance beats. Basically, Interstella 5555 Part 2. Derezzed is honestly the only track that is what I wanted.

    I imagine two hours of non-stop UNTZ UNTZ would be irritating, heh. I've looked at clips of scenes from the film, and the music definitely works well in context. "Derezzed" was composed specifically for a scene in a nightclub, which is kind of amusing.

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