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Cashuea 2.0

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  • Location
    Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
  • Occupation
    Mcdonalds Management

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    1. Not Interested or Available

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  1. Oh boy, i can only wonder what Microsoft has planned for them. Probably nothing good.
  2. Never thought i would find my way back here, anyone still alive in here?
  3. Ennio Morricone- Here's to you.
  4. Robert Palmer- Addicted to love
  5. Yes i know. Should be fun though!
  6. Gone. got a new computer since. Still robofurry though! (just need to come up with a new sig.)
  7. Ah Mister Toad. Yet another old face i recognize. I guess everyone really is comming out here like Straziante said.
  8. Things have been well. Just drifting around the vast internet and decided to pay a visit. Things have changed here alot since i last seen this place. Think i may stick around for awhile. Good to see some familiar faces.
  9. I too would want to get a hold of it once you are done. It is always good to read a new book, especially from a talanted writer!
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