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    Back to kick some ten year old ass.

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  1. I just got half of the tunderfury bindings on my rogue in a PuG MC the other day. It made me laugh a lot. It was a hell of a fight with Geddon though. The first guy who became the bomb was a dipshit and killed about nine people. By the end of the fight it was down to a warrior tanking, a shaman and a priest healing, and me doing whatever DPS I could. The final 3% health took forever to get down. It was really funny cause the tank screamed on vent "Fuck this!" and instantly switched to his 2-hander. Woooo, I'm half-way to a gigantic bill.
  2. I'm thinking it might be a sweet idea for rogues to do a seal-fate/steup/hemo build. Possibility of generating combo points faster than you can use them!
  3. Last I heard, it was announced that the new EA still won't stack.
  4. Not when they can kite you around the map forever. Unless you're lucky enough to have your 5 minute cooldowns up...
  5. Oh hell yeah. I always loved the jungle theme music!! I always end up playing that short melody snippet when practicing or goofing around on piano/keyboard.
  6. Not hard to find one. But very hard to find a good one. Competition breeds higher standards.
  7. GAH! Saying that to a thread full of guitarists is like saying "yeah, she kicked me right in the nuts and I think something burst" to any random male. I know. I literally cringed in pain when I read that. FOR SHAME!
  8. I wake up at the crack of noon [okay, 10:45] excited about getting some doomage. But there is none. Then I see this: Maybe I should pay more attention. But I blame you guys anyways, if you wouldn't have made me pee my pants, I wouldn't have had to leave and wash them, thereby missing such important information. Guess I'll DL the podcast for now, then come back and make fun of Mythril.
  9. pics plz. Ask and ye shall recieve.
  10. I'm so excited I just might pee my pants. Edit: oh yeah, there we go. Totally pee'd my pants.
  11. HOORAY. Can't wait.
  12. Wish I could help you out but I still suck quite a bit. But know this, I'm lurking in the shadows plotting the demise of all the other projects. Except the doom project, I'm anticipating that one.
  13. Hey, I haven't been keeping up on this as much as I wanted to. I had a question, E1M8 was the boss music in the first episode correct [cause I believe M9 was the secret level]? If so what happened to the remix of it? I love that music, so I was just wondering.
  14. Yes it is called Notso Fatso... It reads all Nes music files.. Comment on my WIP Dammit !! Ok, I'll comment on it later today, but only because you yelled at me. First I'm obligated to spend some time with family, then with friends. If you don't get it before you go to sleep tonight, yell at me again.
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