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The Joker

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Posts posted by The Joker

  1. So, as you can tell from the first post, we've got an official name! And it kicks all sort of Buttocks! Also, it's BadAss, because that's what this project is.

    Also, We've got another addition to the casuse, Children of the Monkey Machine has joined, but is still decideding on a track. Also, summer is pretty much here, so, it's time to gear up for ass kickery. So keep your eyes open, & if you feel like joining the cause (of awesome badassness) then send a pm, & we'll discuss that mug.

    There have also been some developments over at the forums. Head on over & read the battle plans. It's time to launch the attack, and it will be gloriously BadAss!

  2. So, I know things have been quiet round these parts. Not much to report. I basically knew I was just setting a foundation, & I'm hoping it kicks up during the summer months.

    Now on to new business. I think I've settled on a name, but I'm not sure. I'd like the opinion of the other artists on this project, so, yeah, both those with wips, & those undecided, head to http://kngi.org/forum, & read the thread. Then, gimme your opinion.

  3. Hm, I'm no sure I would be all riled up after seeing Cameron boobies, if right after, I had to cut the chest cavity open & reach in. It would just sully the whole thing.

    I think, if given the chance, John would return to the "present", even more world weary than before. With a newfound chip on his shoulders. Probably leading up to T4 salvation. Kinda like the last Hulk movie could be a considered a sequel to Ang Lee's Hulk, as a continuation of the TV series, or as a new standalone movie. That's how I think they originally intended the show to function as.

    All in all, I loved this episode. The storyline really kicked into high gear the last few episodes, & I'm left wanting, considering that that was probably the series finale... on Fox. They only own the rights to first broadcast I believe. Technically, the guys that are doing T4 produce the show. So, I hope the show keeps on, keeping on.

  4. Like I said, there is jo list. Those bosses are just off the top of my head. I'd really like for artists to have the flexibility in this project to remix a boss song of their choosing, from any game, as long as it's a boss fight. Like, say, if they ever wanted to remix that mini boss theme from SMB3, they could do it. It's not on the list, but it's a boss theme, so it's good.

  5. Many of the boss themes I linked were "regular" boss themes and not associated with any particular boss. And also, it means that lesser-seen games which have awesome themes have the chance to be remixed, rather than the already famous boss themes and characters everyone knows.

    Exactly. Like the Zelda OoT mini boss theme is not specific to anyone, but it's still a boss theme, so I'd take it.

    Also, BGC, that's awesome. If you could do anything, that'd be sweet, if not, it's still cool you checked us out.

  6. I think some people missed the part where I said that I'd add more bosses as the project went, & artists wanted to do them. I really want SoR2's boss themes in there as well, someone just has to say they want it, & show me a wip.

    i just really put the bosses off the top of my head on the list, I really hope this gets bigger & gets more obscure boss themes.

  7. BadAss

    The Boss Themes Project Volume 1


    BadAss Volume 1 is now locked in! We're this much closer to unleashing hell on an unassuming populace! Can you feel it?! Can you hear it?! Thats the sound of Ass kickery of a magnitude previously unheard of! We're gonna change the OCR remix project game!

    So, yeah, Ass Kickery!


    The reason for this project is to make an album that celebrates the awesomeness, as well as kick-assery, of the Villains of the games we love. Why, you might ask. Simple, I'd respond, ”Cause they're badassed, that‘s why.” Boss & Mini boss themes, Mini Boss Battle themes, & Villain character themes are the order of the day. Other tracks from the respective game can also be added to add some flavor, as long as the meat & potatoes are the Bosses theme.


    Although I'd like to allow a wide range of styles for this project, I'd like to keep it in the dark, aggressive territory. A spiritual sequel to Dark Side of Phobos, in a sense. I'd like anything from ominous, creepy ambient trip hop (like Akira Yamaoka), to aggressive rock, to bombastic pounding orchestral, to fight electronica (kinda like TCM or Prodigy), & genre mashes filled with awesomeness. Basically music that sets the stage for ass-kickery (hardcore style).


    So, track selection is open. You can choose any boss theme, from any game, even if it's not listed. To reiterate, if you want to do a theme that's not listed, let me know, & based on how good your wip is, I'll add it. No one is a sure thing until I or a another coordinator (at a future date) tells you, which means even if you get a track up, if someone comes along that's a bit better, then, we have a old west duel. Best "shooter", or in this case track, wins. Best in this case not necessarily the most pro sounding, but the most creative & evocative of the project. Also, access to the Boss Themes sub forum at http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/index.php(it's a new urly). You know you wants it!

    Project Director: The Joker

    2nd Unit Director: pu_freak

    BadAss: Volume 1

    01. pu_freak - Master of The Blades(Final Fantasy 5 - Gilgamesh)

    02. RoeTaKa - The Curse of Yamato (DMC3 - Vergil)

    03. The Dual Dragons - Routine of War (MGS4 - Laughing Octopus)

    04. Big Giant Circles - Duel of the Apes (Donkey Kong GB - Donkey Kong)

    05. Arcana - To Slay a Butcher (Suikoden 2 - Luca Blight)

    06. Lashmush - Light Out (Link's Awakening - Shadow Link)

    07. Skummel Maske - All Existence Denied (Final Fantasy 8 - The Extreme)

    08. Jago - A Daring Escape (Mega Man 3 - Wiley)

    09. Chernabogue, Nintenjoe 64 - The Belmont Revolution (Castlevania Series - Dracula)

    10. The Dual Dragons - Astaroth's Awakening (Shadow Hearts Covenant - Astaroth)

    11. Nutritious - Real American Hero (GI Joe NES - Boss 1)

    12. Rozovian - Dragonfood (Metroid Series - Ridley)

    13. Mazedude - Saren's Prayer (Mass Effect - Saren)

    14. Brandon Strader - Dreams of Death (FFX - Jecht)

    15. Sixto - The Shredder (Turtles in Time - Shredder)

    16. PrototypeRaptor - BadAzz (Final Fantasy 7- Sephiroth)

    17. Kidd Cabbage - The Sound of a Thousand Voices Screaming in Unison (Final Fantasy 6 - Kefka)

    18. The Joker - The Last Dance (Kirby Series - King DeDeDe)

    Volume 2 (Confirmed WIPS)

    Confirmed WIP

    The Joker, Luiza - Gruntilda (Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie)

    Level 99, pu_freak - Baby Bowser(Super Mario world 2)

    DJ Mokram - Nemesis(RE3)


    Theophany - Molgera (Wind Waker)

    Danton F - Boss Theme (Super Mario RPG)

    Protricity - Boss theme (TMNT)

    Monobrow - Claus (Mother 3)

    Demonstray - Gateway to Destiny (Eternal Darkness)

    The Vagrance - Sigma Battle (Mega Man X5)

    Snappleman - Final Boss (Romancing SaGa 3)

    bustatunez - CP Violation (HL2)

    Jose The Bronx Rican - Phantom (Thunder Force IV)

    Monobrow - The Doctor (Cave Story)

    norg - Ganon (Zelda Series)

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