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The Joker

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Posts posted by The Joker

  1. Some of my older stuff was a pain to try to rework. Cold Memory in particular, It was actually a lot more dynamic, & quite a bit quieter, which is what I intended it to be. I had to up the volume for it to fit with the rest of the tracks, so, that's probably why it sounds fuller than it was.

    My favorite solo track from this is Standing up, as it's more current with what I can do now, as well as different than a lot of stuff I usually do.

  2. You know, I wish the alternate tracks got more attention. It's really interesting to hear where other people arrived when they approached Arche's theme.

    Also, I'm amazed at how different the project version of "Cold Memory" is to the initial finished one.

    Plus, I wonder how "Chronometrical (teh epicness edit)" is being recieved, as opposed to the project version.

    Quick note, I listened to the project in one sitting, while I did other stuff, it is indeed an exquisite ride. I'm really, really proud to have been a part at what was, & will probably continue to be, the best project I've had the honour to be a part of.

    I shout , "We had some good times, didn't we?" And you'd whisper back, "Yeah, I guess!" Then blue dong appears & destroys a city.*

    *I watched the Watchmen the other day. There was a lot of dong in it. Both blue, & of bird. it had boobs, too, so it wasn't a complete sausage fest.

  3. I was gonna wait until you got to all my tracks, Evk, but I really do appreciate all the time you're spending on my tracks. Good & bad that you find, it's awesome that someone is actually picking them apart. I think, for the most part, the things that are irking you are the things I tend to do on purpose, because I'm weird, & have strange tastes.

    Though, I am a bit surprised that you liked what I did to the ending of Momentary, as I thought that section was the weakest in the track. But it's awesome that you're putting that much thought into your critiques. I love reading them!

  4. Somehow, I'm intrigued on how Joker and Lea put "Momentary" together. Was it a case of Lea's arrangement and Joker's production work, or is it something entirely different?

    Kinda. Lea did the majority of the arrangement, but it lacked dynamics & an ending. So, that's where I came in, I just polished what she had, added an ending, & produced the thing. It's still pretty much her baby, though.

  5. November 18 2006: "Tales Series: Summoning of Spirits - home stretch?"

    February 31 2009: "Tails Seriez: OMG, totally out today!

    I love how long we've been in the "home stretch?" Reminds me that when I was younger, I had to walk fifteen miles to the nearest arcade. Then I had to wait another 4 hours in line to play a game. Then I used my quarter that I worked all week doing chores to get, only to waste it becasue the old dude playing against me cheated. I believe you call it Hacks now. you young sons of beches.

  6. Well folks, seeing as we now have to start remixing our tracks, I have to bow out. I just don't feel like doing any songs for this anymore. It was fun just hanging out over at the forums, but now that we have to start "working", I hate that word... I'm not doing this "work" is what I'm trying to say. Screw that mess. Though, if this projects still going strong in a few months, I might do something, maybe.

  7. scariest game I've played in the last few years, Condemned: Criminal Origins. That game was... it was insane & everything people keep trying to convince me the older Silent Hills were. I was actually nervous about going into a new room, or a long hallway. It messed with me, & I love it even more for it.

    RE5 on the other hand, I dig the demo so far. I really hate the antiquated aiming mode. Dead Space & Gears did wonders to the original RE4 control scheme, yet capcom holds onto it in a way to force "fear" or whatever excuse they are using to not use a western interface. I hated having to stop & shoot the guy thats right in front of me because he can friggin run & swing a mini axe, while I have to stop cold in my tracks to even slash at him with my own. You know, Chris may have Brock Lesnar muscles, but is too much of a twit to run with scissors, I guess. It's the only thing that I'm going to hate about the new game, as far as I can tell.

    I'm still buying it. Damn right I'm still buying it.

    Edit: One more thing, when did we become jaded old schoolers who think change is the devil? RE4 was a damn awesome game, one of the best in terms of consistency. It never had a dull, boring moment for the most part. Yet I keep reading it being called a meh game & blah blah for the simple reason that it's not a 1996 PS1 game. It's probably because of you guys it still retains that stop & shoot mentality. I mean really, grandpa. Really.

  8. I've been really sick. It sucked, but, almost a week off from work, so, no complaining! Anyway, since a little time has passed, I had a question, what's the sound you're going for so far? Like party hip hop, hardcore hip hop... um, alternative hip hop? Lemme know so I'll know what to send.

  9. By crap, she's right! There really wasn't any big drama, more so, quite depressing sadness at the constant shifting of the release day by forces we had no control over. No drama though. Hmm, we should rectify this immediately.

    Kyle, I challenge you to a duel! The winner of which will claim the right to marry Lea, Monobrow, &... Sixto, why not. Also, gets the right to become project head on the project... finished artwork be damned!

    So, if your man enough to save the... have this duel, leteth me knoweth (haha, lispy). Also, yay puppies!


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