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Posts posted by Powerlord


    Seriously, it's like a breath of fresh air. Then you realize that the extra flicker time makes you visible for longer than the attack interval on most weapons with the IW/C&D and with the DR you're Captain Obvious. (Oh, a Spy with a Fez just died without a disguise. I WONDER IF HE'S A DEAD RINGER, HMM?) The fun factor is still amazing once you get that first disguise though.

    And yet it seems to work against a lot of people... even Frogg.

  2. While I'm thinking about it, does not capturing the intelligence count as griefing? As in, you're holding it on your back but deliberately not bringing it to the capture zone? Or is it just really idiotic gameplay?

    It's actively benefiting the other team and preventing your own team from progressing, so yes. Feel free to /slay anyone you see doing this.

    What about the scoots trying to get that one achievement? "Kill the enemy intel carrier while carrying the intel." I guess that would be playing "as Valve meant it to be played." -_-;

    We're not an achievement farming server either.

  3. I wouldn't say this is any more ridiculous than pokernight at the inventory. In fact, I'd say it's less ridiculous. Because chances are if you get some of these achievements, you're legitimately interested in the games you own. It likely isn't going to be a reflection of who is willing to pay for items/hats (unlike pokernight), but rather a reflection of your interest in other games. Of course it doesn't hurt valve to have people who're insane enough to actually purchase enough games to unlock hats, and those insane people deserve to pay insane amounts of money to complete their collection. So it's win win!

    I do find the name of the last hat amusing though. While its certainly displays the player's wealth.... the respect part is fairly ironic. :)!!

    Poker Night is all of $5 ($3 today and tomorrow).

    Speaking of which, getting the Heavy's new minigun is one of the objectives for today/tomorrow.

    One of the others requires that you own R.U.S.E. and chances are that anyone who bought an RTS around the time R.U.S.E. came out got Starcraft 2 instead.

  4. It's time for the great Steam Treasure Hunt!

    Personally, I think this is ridiculous. The only way to get the best TF2 hat from this hunt is to complete every objective in this treasure hunt. And most objectives involve owning different games.

    I figure I have a large enough Steam library that I might get one or two of those hats, but definitely not the third.

  5. Good news! I no longer have to schedule biweekly matches between two teams of 9 people each! Wait...

    Unfortunately, we did lose our match today. And I'm really bad at generic platitudes, so I'll cut this short before I lose myself.

    So, now that the Highlander server is no longer needed, I should shut it down?

    Too bad it didn't happen a few days ago, or we could have kept the CS:S server. Then again, NO ONE used the CS:S server during November (according to stats).

    Oh right, I booted the CS:S server to steal its IP for the TF2 Beta server.

  6. Before I forget, since the BETA server doesn't have map voting (see previous post mentioning SourceMod), the mapcycle on it is this:













    In other words, either 5gorge or granary appears every third map, since these are the maps that changed in this beta... I was trying to avoid adding in other cp maps because of this.

    There is an event scheduled roughly three and a half hours from now on BETA (8pm EST / 5pm PST / 1am GMT).

  7. I haven't played in weeks.


    I changed it the day you said you checked it every day, and I've seen you on since then.

    Anyway, as for the Beta server:

    For whatever reason, your backpack contains:

    - All the achievement unlock items (including all 3 Natascha variants)

    - The GRU

    - The entire Saharan Spy set including Fez

    - Any unlocks from other games and preorders (the Poker Night ones are missing their names)

    cp_5gorge is a symmetric (push) CP map with the normal gorge layout mirrored at the former second (now middle) point. One minor change is that right half of the middle point room is now a mirror of the left half, meaning that the right staircase to the point is now reversed, and there is a ledge running up above the right side. The forward (third) spawn room is to one side of the fourth point... to the right from the perspective of the attacking team that has capped 4 points. This may make recapturing said point quite difficult. The first and fifth points are between the middle and right spawn doors, near the building that has the health pack in it.


    OCRemix TF2 BETA is now passworded.

    Password is: ocremix

  8. Just make it Passworded and we will be fine.

    Or do you need crappy old source mod for that too?

    Passwords are built into the server software, so I can create one without it.

    I would like to see a Beta server however, as that would be really cool to get to try the things that piss me off in advance about the pyro.

    Of course, there's no telling how long Valve will have the TF2 Beta running for. I saw it was updated today, but they didn't bother releasing any patch notes... or even telling us that we had to restart any servers (we would have, because it updated cp_5gorge).

  9. I'm coming over for hot pockets.

    Also, are we going to try out the beta? Maybe on RED?

    I'm already running the server installer, so we'll at least have an install of it should we choose to (we have lots of space on the server, so even if we don't use it, installing it doesn't hurt).

  10. A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

    Team Fortress 2:

    - Added check to prevent control characters from user-provided item names and descriptions (replaced with spaces).

    - Fixed a control point bug where players could capture points that were already owned by their team.

    - Fixed a server crash caused by kicking a player that isn't fully connected.

    - Fixed Spies being able to destroy sappers using the "destroy" command.

    - Fixed Engineers being able to destroy sapped buildings by issuing the command directly in the console.

    - Fixed an issue where team colored hats were showing up improperly when previewing the Team Spirit paint on them.

    - Fixed an issue where SourceTV clients were seeing their local player/duel stats in the scoreboard.

    - Updated the player_hurt event to always set "damageamount" even if the attacker is the world (falling damage).

    - Updated items:

    ---- Many hats have had their appearance while painted improved. Paintable hats should now appear less like solid blobs of color and retain more of the character and texture of the hat.

    ---- Integrated several improvements to contributed items provided by their authors.

    ---- Made the following items paintable: Sergeant's Drill Hat, Pyro's Beanie, "Dangeresque, Too?", Whiskered Gentleman, Safe'n'Sound, Trophy Belt, Frenchman's Beret, Camera Beard, Max's Severed Head, Alien Swarm Parasite, Ellis' Cap, and the Horrific Headsplitter.

    ---- Sam & Max items and the Portal 2 Pin are now Gift Wrappable.

    Also, there's a new TF2 Beta starting. New to it are:

    Three Natascha variants:

    * -40% damage

    * -25% damage, -25% health

    * Spin-up/down time increased, slowdown-on-hit effect falls off over distance.

    Map changes:

    * cp_granary: new entrance added into the RED and BLU mid ramp room.

    * cp_5gorge: 5 CP version of cp_gorge.

    Misc balance changes:

    * Players being healed by a medic are immune to movement-impairing effects generated by hit-scan weapons.

  11. While I understand the idea, it should be noted that the Social Groups are apparently highly ignorable. For instance, much about the highlander tourney has been discussed here, but the social group thread hasn't been updated at all in ages. Just a thought.

    So GM, please post here if you are going to set up another testing session at least. Otherwise I imagine hardly anyone will pay attention.

    I've... [thread=28828]suggested[/thread] that the forums be upgraded to a newer version, but it's been largely ignored. Despite there being a large number of security fixes in addition to being able to watch social groups in newer versions.

  12. Oh what the Hell, I'll go ahead and post it. I'd like for it to stay around this community only though, if you all don't mind.

    When you said you were making some changes, I figured you were making a FEW changes.

    This is WAY too many, and just glancing at the list, many of them are questionable as to why they've been changed (Gunslinger, Frontier Justice, Ambassador, L'Etranger, Saharan Spy just from the two classes I play the most)

  13. So... for anyone interested in Dual specs for alts, its currently 10g to purchase, not sure if this is a bug or not, but I just bought it for all my alts. lol.

    and it's now available at level 30. I assume this is intentional... I bought it for my only character on this server.

  14. In the frigid wastes of Northrend, the final battle against the merciless Lich King ended in victory for Azeroth's defenders. Upon returning home, veterans of the unforgiving conflict against the Scourge were showered with praise for their valiant sacrifices, while the honorable dead were mourned. Yet as hope flared anew in the wake of the Lich King's fall, Azeroth's native elemental spirits grew confused and erratic, setting off a series of deadly natural disasters. Horde and Alliance leaders scrambled for clues about the troubling state of the world, but nothing could have prepared them for what was to come.

    Without warning, the corrupted Dragon Aspect, Deathwing, erupted from the stone heart of Deepholm, the domain of earth within the Elemental Plane. Jagged fissures were torn across the earth, and monstrous waves pummeled coastal regions. From Thousand Needles to the Blasted Lands, the surface of Azeroth was reforged through violent upheavals. Now, the Horde and the Alliance must defend their homes against Deathwing and his minions, burdened by the unsettling fact that the world as they know it has changed... forever.

    WoW and its previous expansions are now on sale through the Battle.Net website. WoW is $5, BC is $5, and WotLK is $10. Prices good through November 30th.

    You can also gift them to people.

  15. Wow, so I found this interesting map pack called "CP Mirrored Maps" where the author just took a bunch of stock Valve CP maps and mirrored them such that left is right and right is left. I'll have to give them a go some time! It'd be interesting to see on the server as well since most of us have memorized the normal versions of these maps already and it would really throw us off. :P


    Given peoples tendency to hate custom maps, partly due to download times, this seems like a bad idea.

    It'd be better to do it unexpectedly, like temporarily replace the regular map files.

    You can't, that would cause clients to be kicked because they don't have the same version of the map that the server does.

    Or they'd have to download them. Lose/lose either way.

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