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Everything posted by setzertrancer

  1. Cool Zircon is awesome. The mix I choose is a Final Fantasy VII one. but it's not one winged angel this time
  2. Thanks unlike my last video this one caused my Video Editor to crash every 20 minutes. Does that make you more impatient? I look forward to yours too especially since our taste in music is similar. Lol we both did a music video for The End by tefnek. I actually also started a music video on Wicked Orchestra a long time ago but gave up on it. Is anyone willing to share what song they picked, or should we leave it as a surprise?
  3. Well it's gonna take a long time to upload so I better just make a few tweaks to make it presentable and upload it unfinished and finish it after the viewing party. It's only 70% complete but it could still be considered a preview. See you all at the viewing party.
  4. It's not looking good for me either actually, not because I'm out of time but because I'm completely burned out and am so tired of staring at my editing screen. I need to take a break to keep my sanity. I also regretted the last video I rushed on because of pressure from a time limit. Tell you what though, since it is 70% done and large portions of the video are completely done and look awesome I'm going to show it at the viewing party anyway and I think people will understand how great it will be when the blanks are filled in. I don't care about winning the competition I just want to show off my work. Also at the last viewing party people had trouble staying in sync while watching the videos because they could not download HD videos as fast as everyone else. I think we should all wait until everyone has loaded the video and all press play in sync. Especially since my video was made to be seen in HD.
  5. So do I Chernabogue. it turns out I need to search the planet Earth episodes for more footage, this will probably be more time consuming then the editing itself. Well I should have a whole day without interruption to work on it, I better get to work.
  6. I look forward to seeing what you have planed JH. My video still has a lot of work left and may not be as finished as I want it by the viewing party. But I plan to have it finished enough to look like it's done, but then add my more ambitious effects afterwards. I really only have 1 more day, because I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow.
  7. Right you are modus, geez that clue gave it away easy. I'm a little less impressed by the Music Video I mentioned earlier when it only took me 2 quick tutorials on You tube to learn to do the things she had done in the video that I didn't know how to do. It's just a matter of learning what all the effects can do when I haven't even touched most of them. I'm now using that information and making the upbeat part of the music video almost exactly how I imagined it in my head.
  8. Been working all day on my Music Video. I've got the beginning calmer bit nearly done, but things are going to get difficult in the upbeat parts. I've had spend most of the day just cutting clips out of a 10 hour documentary to narrow down what I have to work with. Hmmm 10 hour documentary. I wonder if anyone can guess what I'm using clips from for my music video. Good Luck everyone else.
  9. Wow, inspiration just struck me last night of a OCR song I wanted to make into a music video, I was inspired in large part due to seeing a great non-ocr original cover music video that I think a lot of people should see, due to these amazing video editing skills being done by a 15 year old girl. It made me realize that if I want to start a career in video production industry i'm going to need to be able to beat the skills of this girl at least, lol and so I need more practice. here's the video that inspired me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vefzCt8T8LI It wasn't until I decided to come here to download the song I wanted that I thought to check the forums and was surprised to find the deadline extended and not expired yet. I think this will give me another reason to start work on this video right now. Looks like I only have 8 or 9 days so I'm not going to promise I'll have it done in time, but It would be really great to happen to make it a comp entry too. I hope to have something to bring to the viewing party when I see you all there.
  10. Okay thanks all I have commented on all your videos. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next time.
  11. I would definately like to be a part of this. I can't say for sure yet as i'll have to wait and see if inspiration strikes. You are a video making machine Chernabogue.
  12. Hey everyone, I was at the viewing party but unable to see the videos, due to my limited internet usage is there a list of the video links so i can go watch them?
  13. Hey dio. I was the only one who had a video to show at the 1st viewing party. I would love to come to the second party and show it again. I would give you the link. as soon as i figure out how to send a private message

  14. Hey Less Ashamed. I was the only one with a video at the 1st viewing party, but I would like to participate in the second and show it again and get feedback from everyone here.
  15. If I were going to be hosting another viewing party soon (hyperthetically) would there be more then 2 entries. If so I may be willing to try again. anyone heard from Biznut? if not I will be willing to host another viewing party as long as I don't embarrisingly show up with no one to show videos again. Please send me a message if you have a video ready and if there are enough I will organise a viewing party for a upcoming weekend.
  16. I showed up for the viewing party but noone who had made videos showed up and I didn't get your message Chernabogue, until after I waited for 2 hours, maybe I didn't check my PMs often enough i'm sorry. So I think we should organise another time and have all the videos featured, whether they have been publicly released or not. A few people have said they were working on something, so maybe If we wait a bit longer we will have more then 2 entries in total. I think in 2 more weeks Biznut is back so I think I'll leave him to figure out the details for the next one.
  17. If anyone is lost, go to this chatroom for the viewing party If for some reason you can't, send me a PM in the next hour with the link and I'll show it to everyone else. irc.enterthegame.com/ocremix
  18. Ok it's nearly time. I'm just confirming that everyone is fine with 19th September at 9PM, in the same timezone as it was before. How many people have videos ready? How many people have nearly finished and want more time? I look forward to seeing your videos soon.
  19. Yeah when you are using WMM you have to save after every single move you make.
  20. Since no one else has steped up. I guess i'll organise the second viewing party. I'll make it for the weekend after next, the 19th of september. Please let me know if this date is unsuitable or if I should delay it for longer. Good luck for all of you.
  21. I might not be able to come and see you all at the viewing party, but I have made the video public and given Biznut the address so he'll be able to show it to you. I'll then check out everyone's videos and comment on all of them.
  22. Yo I have set my video to public and sent you the link Biznut. What program do I used to communicate with you all?
  23. Here is the link to my Video for the Music video competition. I've just now set it to public. What messaging program am I to use to communicate with you all?

  24. I better find out when 9PM is here in Australia. I just hope it won't be at a difficult time for me. But even if I have to stay up till 5am, i'll be there. I hope to see the rest of you there too. edit: Ok I found out it's exactly 12 hours difference so I'll see you all there at 9am
  25. I for one won't be very happy if it is extended, as it has been torture for me to sit on a finished video for 3 months. But since there are no prizes involved I could live with it being extended. I also think it's about time the first post was updated with a more recent in list. Because it's 3 months old now and a lot more people have opted in or withdrawn. Good Luck everyone. I hope I get to see all your videos soon.
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