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Posts posted by AMT

  1. ...And my entry is submitted!

    The whole week (up until Friday afternoon) consisted of writer's block - never getting anything past 30 seconds.

    Around Friday afternoon, some ideas finally started coming to me and I just started putting them in the song one after another until I found myself at 3 minutes and 12 seconds worth of material and finally finished at 2 A.M. this morning.

    Overall, I'm quite happy with this one. One thing for certain - I'm really hoping that I've addressed some of the issues that were brought up with Lumitron Quadrant in the Sonic Zone Remix Competition here and not made another Glacial Age.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to all of the entries, and, win or lose, it was an honor competing against you, AMT.

    Thanks, man! I had to head out of town on Thursday afternoon, so I had the opposite problem with time. Best of luck and I can't wait to hear the mixes!

  2. Holy crap, if AMT got Flame Stag... I'd need a change of pants


    Screw it, someone else already first picked Cyber Peacock. My new choices are:

    1. Flame Stag (X2)

    2. Cyber Peacock (X4)

    3. Spark Mandrill (X)

    4. Magna Centipede (X2)

    5. Jet Stingray (X4)

    Looking forward to yelling into a mic about the most metal stag ever emot-black101.gif

  3. Strange, stupid, but fun! It's safe to say that this is way out of my usual comfort zone and its probably not something I'll try again, but it's definitely going to be... interesting. We'll leave it at that for now. I'm also going to be really surprised if Brandon's song is in any sort of similar style.

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