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Posts posted by AMT

  1. Congrats to everyone on some awesome entries! Track impressions:

    She's A Squirter (Really, Brandon?) - NOT what I was expecting from you; I'm digging it! Loaded this up expecting face melting black metal and got some groovy electronica. I'm loving the bent synths and glitchy soundscape- I've never heard you do anything like this and quite honestly it's way better than I would have expected you to do in the genre. Sounds like it'd be used in a real Megaman game, like a reimagined update.

    Don't Make Me Cut You - Chipstep? Dubtune? Whatever this is, it's awesome. Lovely soundscape of glitches, noise, and lush synths. Did Willrock do that synth solo? Sounds like him, but whoever did, it's really cool- sounds like a guitar solo played on whatever sound chip the Genesis had. Parts of the song remind me a little bit of The Wily Malfunction, and that's a good thing.

    Totally Rad Winter - This is the 80's distilled into pure groove. That bassline is hypnotic and the texture is perfect. This may be my favorite entry! I seriously can't stop moving to this.

    Double Doctors - The intro with funky drums, salsa piano, and sampled voice clips bring Jet Set Radio to mind, which is a very good thing. Reminds me of Electric Toothbrush a little bit. The hard hitting electronica is fun to listen to and you really get some momentum going with that quick switch to four-on-the-floor at the very end.

    The Knight who says ROCK! - Rock indeed! You and I were thinking similarly and I really like your take on it- The bit at 1:59 particularly brings some nice atmosphere to the song. Your guitar playing is awesome- my only gripe is that the rhythm guitars could have been a little beefier. Other than that it's solid and I really like the integration between the two sources.

    Burn The Castle - Oh hey, it's mine! Don't have much to say about it. Neblix rocks for making the awesome big beat transition into the solo, and I really wish the initial guitar tone you hear is better- the octave effect works fine for the rest of the song, but it creates an ugly first impression. Ah well, I'm still extremely happy with how it came out.

    The Last of the Clan - This is just too cool; awesome work, Jason! It's a totally original take on both themes. I was surprised it was so short until I looked at the timestamp and realized it wasn't short- it just went by fast because I was enjoying it so much. Deciding between this one and Totally Rad Winter is going to be really tough for me.

    Two Minds Without A Single Thought - You have some good ideas in here; the part around 3:30 is probably the strongest part of the song, when the pads are complementing everything and sounding decent. You get serious props for giving this a shot AND attempting the most ambitious song of the lot. Unfortunately, the song has timing issues and could definitely be stronger. Hang out in the WIP forums- everyone is super friendly and helpful, and you'll improve in no time. Keep it up!

    Dubious Brother - Man, I wasn't expecting this much sampling in these entries; more funky electronic goodness! Some of the synths are a little vanilla, but the whole song is very well arranged and has a definite groove to it. Very danceable.

    Under Construction - For a second I thought this might actually be a piano solo, haha. Some Genesis-y synths and various instruments make an eclectic but interesting soundscape. I really like the rhythm changeups you have in this- they add a lot of flair and add an unpredictable nature to the song (in a good way). The arp'd synth from the original put into piano here is particularly cool.

    Excellent work everyone- voting is going to be hard D:

  2. Hey all! I need some money, so I'm selling a few parts of my studio I don't currently need.

    Presonus Firestudio Mobile 10x6 Firewire Interface - $200 shipped. (Retails for $300)

    Comes with interface, breakout dongle, firewire cable, and bundled software.

    Addictive Drums VSTi for Windows and Mac - $125 (Retails for $200)

    I'll transfer my login information to your email and then you can change the password. If you don't want to download the whole VSTi, I can mail you the install DVD.

    You can hear both of these in action here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02146/

  3. I think amp sims are wonderful. They let me play through amps that I could never afford and process them exactly how I want to. Sure, it's fun to mic up an amp, but without the proper recording setup it's a much bigger hassle. The most important part to me, though, is that the tone isn't set in stone- I can come up with a part, record it while it's fresh in my mind, and figure out the best amp sound for it later.

  4. I've had no problems playing it for hours on end, so it's no where near as bad as The Damned made it sound. Your eyes start to adjust to it and over time you see the 3D with less and less effort. The "Wow!" factor does diminish, but it doesn't stop being an extra layer of immersion. It's like having a really nice set of headphones for a long time- you might not always say "Wow!" when you put them on, but when you do without them you suddenly realize what you would be missing.

  5. I think you guys are missing the point. Just because 3D won't be REQUIRED to beat a game doesn't mean it won't be heavily utilized. I mean, if the N64 required all games to be playable with the D-Pad too, it would definitely be possible to beat Mario 64 with it (See: DS version) but it's still obviously designed around the analog stick. I think they just mean that games should offer other ways to play.

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