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Amayirot Akago

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Posts posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Excellent, more Wolfenstein love! I like.

    This reminds me an awful lot of the 28 Days Later soundtrack, where it starts lonely with a guitar, builds, builds, and builds to epic grungeness. I could envision hordes of undead running down the street to this track. (And yes I mean all of that in a good way.)

    "In The House - In A Heartbeat". Awesome track.

    And that goes for this remix as well. Great to see some more PC mixes pop up.

  2. I liked Jules and all, but my major problem with him is that when you've heard one of his covers, you've basically heard them all. He doesn't really deviate that much from the main source material, nor does he switch up his style either.

    Still, pretty rocking to listen to every once in a while. And the Isaac soundtrack is awesome in any form.

  3. I saw a playthrough of this game a little while ago on Twitch.tv, and I was pleasantly surprised by how quirky this obscure little game turned out to be. More to the point, however, it has some pretty badass Adlib tunes which would make for a pretty sweet remix. The intro theme is divided into several parts, which start and end a bit spontaneously, so it probably would be best to try and transition between them a bit more when making a remix.

    Either way, anyone who wants to try, you can find a recording I made over at my Soundcloud:


  4. This was a fantastic start to the series and I'm already eagerly awaiting the next episode. Love the new characters, especially Tenzin and his kids. Meelo never stops being hilarious :D Kinda hope we'll get to see some of Tenzin's early years with his dad and mom as well.

    Also, I've had a flash of inspiration and started a blog over at Wordpress, dedicated to recaps of Legend Of Korra episodes (and eventually the original series as well) with some of my own comments and thoughts. First episode of Korra is done, second one is coming soon!


  5. This is a problem that's been bugging me for quite some time now, and I'd really like to get it fixed. Several sites on the internet give me problems, in that when I go to visit them, at first they load normally, but after browsing around for a bit the site suddenly stops working and won't properly load anymore no matter how many times I refresh. After waiting a few minutes however, the site then starts working again, only to temporarily go down again. The other PC's in the house don't seem to have this problem as far a I know, and I don't have any firewall or adblocker or whatever that could possibly be a problem. Among the sites that give me problems are Abandonia, Furaffinity, and Viddler. Anybody have any idea what might be causing this?

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