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  • Real Name
    'Ili Butterfield
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    Fernley, NV


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  1. Mia

    P.S. Re: my one remix, Secret Seashells, the songs remixed listed are House by the Bay, Outset Island (from Wind Waker), and Tal Tal Heights.

    Tal Tal Heights is wrong.

    The other two are basically correct..

    I think of Outset Island as Aryll's Theme, but it's the same theme and other remixes are already also classified as that.

    Though "Mabe Village" would be really more fitting than "House by the Bay". It's what the remix is mainly of.. and yes HbtBay IS a toned down version of the same theme, but there aren't other remixes already classified under either "Mabe Village" or "House by the Bay".

    I figure there's a lot to be done and this might be pretty trivial crap, but if you or anyone does change the songs remixed field for Secret Seashells, I'd say make it Mabe Village, Outset Island, and also included technically are When Link First Wakes, and Zelda's Lullaby.

    *exhales* Sorry for epic double post. Cheers. :-o

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