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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. I wouldn't mind a sequel, but I just wonder what Transformers they would use on the sequel, but considering the amount of them out there, the possibilities are endless.

    I'm just hoping they do better than Spiderman 3 (story wise), that film is probably my least favorite this year.

  2. Honestly, I'm suprised by what everyone has said about the film. I think it's the best movie so far this year (A BILLION times better than Spiderman 3). I have to ask, Why does everyone nitpicking the script? I haven't enjoyed a film like this since Star Wars Episode III. I was very impressed with the film. I don't know all things Transformers like the lineage, mythos, etc., but I enjoyed the film. If some would quit acting like it's such blasphemy for them not to use every single bit of acuracy, you might actually enjoy the film.

  3. I highly doubt Nintendo is dumb enough to miss out on a Smash Bros. with online play, but then again, how long did it take them to put an effort and interest in online play?

    There's little doubt to me that it won't have online play.

  4. I bought the CD yesterday, I really enjoyed it. My Mom LOVES Linkin Park (mostly because of how Chester Benington screams), but she thought their new CD was ok.

    Anybody here trying to type cast them as sellouts/rapmetal, needs to quit whining or complaining, especially if they haven't even listened to the CD. If no one's complaining, that's fine by me. Honestly, I don't care if a band is popular, that use to be a determining factor to me, but I thought what is the point in doing that? If a band has music I enjoy, that's all that matters. Sure there are bands I don't like, but I'm not going to say, because someone's going to get offended and I don't feel like trying to justify my opinion, there's no point in it.

    Shadowolf, if you enjoy the CD, that's all that matters.

  5. Gamecube:

    Beyond Good and Evil

    Animal Crossing

    Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    Star Fox Adventures

    Star Fox Assault


    Smash Bros. Melee

    Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes



    Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

    Shemue II

    Star Wars Republic Commando

    OUTRUN 2

    Panzer Dragoon Orta

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

    MARVEL VS. Capcom 2


    Metal Gear Solid 3

    Shadow of the Colosus

    Herdy Gerdy

    Rayman Revolution (Rayman 2 w/better graphics and more challenging)

    Those are all that I can think of, I don't have much for the PS2 cause I don't know enough of them...

  6. Toby portrayed the emo look very well.

    Everyone in the theatre started busted up laughing when we saw him with this hair over his eyes, which was enhanced when someone shouted out "MY CHEMICAL SPIDY". Oh man, lols a plenty. Also, eye liner lol.

    Nice taking one for the team Toby.

    Someone at the midnight show I went to yelled Emo Peter, pretty much every laughed in the theater.

    I had a terrible experience seeing the movie. I was 4 rows from the front (it wasn't that bad there), and a couple of girls behind us for some reason started giggling when the film was halfway over, me and my brother in law's brother got so irritated we started making fun of the way they were laughing.


    Honestly, I didn't enjoy it as much as the first two. Why did they include Gwen Stacy? I still think they should have had her in the first, maybe even into the second film. There was too many bad guys and too little of time to go through it all. I'm not an all knowing person when it comes to comic book films, but I have to say that I think Raimi (the director) could have done better.

  7. Haven't downloaded any games lately, although StarFox 64 looks promising, still waiting for Plok and Chuck Rock (like those two will ever be on the Virtual Console), here's hoping for Dino City or Rocky Rodent...

  8. When were cartoons NOT mainstream? Were there a bunch of elitist small children at some point????

    Just like the people who complain about the Transformers movie not being faithful to the original story/stories of the 80's cartoon. Transformers (from what I've heard) was a toyline, then a tv series...

  9. From what I've heard, Metroid Prime 3 may come out early next year (just rumor, not a 100% positive on that), Smash Bros. Brawl during the late Summer (August/September), and Mario Galaxy coming in November/December.

    Whether that's true or not I don't know. Reggie Fis Aime has been dodging the Metroid Prime 3 release date lately...

  10. As Ray Falling said, I'm probably not going to be buying any more systems after the Wii, I figure since half the games on ANY system have not been that entertaining as I used to think they would. I would buy a 360 (more likely the elite), but now with a blown head gasket on my truck, everything is on a permanent hiatus...

  11. I tend to ignore company reps mudslinging other consoles. Most of the time, I hear Sony doing it (not that Nintendo "NEVER" has) more often than the others.

    As for the whole age demographic? I've been playing Nintendo games since I was a kid, and if I ever have kids, they'll probably play them too.

  12. Still waiting for Heatseeker and Super Paper Mario. I just hope Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime 3 deliver on what should be awesome games, hopefully better than Sonic and the Secret Rings...

  13. I know I'm going to be the odd man out here, but I hated Sonic and the Secret Rings, there I said it. I tried to adjust to the controls, I tried to move to a better spot while playing it, (my TV sets about less than 3 feet off the ground and the Sensor bar sits atop the TV. Sadly, I just didn't enjoy this new Sonic game. But I enjoyed what I did play, but I hope that Sega is able to get the controls down pat for the Wii when they do another Sonic game.

  14. Metroid was supposed to get there first anyway right?

    I'm kind of looking forward to "Heatseeker" now, as it's been ages since I played a good flight game :) Starfox not included.

    I hope it's any good; then I'll get it this month.

    Heatseeker looks to good to pass up, I'm buying that game. I can't wait for a new Star Fox, I liked both Gamecube games, but didn't really care for the DS version, but then again, I'm not much into Strategy games.

  15. there were a lot of people who sped through at about twice the speed I was going, even though I got my copy on launch day.

    I'll probably play through a second time. TP lacks a gimmick collectors sidequest, aside from the Poes, though. The pictographs in WW at least gave me some much-needed eye candy.

    Gotta admit, WW's character interaction was the most "natural-feeling" we've seen yet in a Zelda game, considering the sheer number of characters, tasks and secrets on Windfall and Outset alone. And then there was the trading sidequest with the Gorons, which I was sad had no counterpart in TP.

    Ball & Chain > all, though.

    I will admit, I sped through the game, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

    Speaking of Wind Waker, I'm kinda glad I don't own the game, WHY?

    Because of everything you could do, I'd still be playing the blasted game. I was taking every picture I could, I mostly waited to take a picture of a boss before taking characters pictures (It's like Poke'mon Snap, but a lot more epic).

    The only thing though, is that I ran into a glitch. You see, when you're gathering all the triforce charts, you have to blow up a "Mohawk" ship at Needle Rock Isle. While I was playing the game, I was getting all parts of the map painted as I went along, and I unwittingly blew up that ship, and I can't find the place where I blew it up. So there I was, completely stuck in the game.

    I have to admit, you're amongst the very few who thinks that game was more "natural" than the other Zelda games. I didn't like the idea of how it looked at first, but when I saw it in motion, I knew I was dead wrong, it was gorgeous, and it still is. Companies used cell shading as a gimmick, but Nintendo (and Sega) perfected it.

    I'd love to see a Cell shaded mario game, it'd be very interesting.

  16. I recently started a new game, I'm taking my time on the game, trying to find everything before I get to the end.

    Just bought some Component Cabels (the official Nintendo cables), and I can see quite a difference in the quality, though not a drastic difference. I highly recomend that if you can afford Component Cables and see them, BUY THEM!!

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