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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Not trying to criticize your opinion here, but RB2 has me thinking Harmonix is risking falling into the same rut as GH. It doesn't really add that much over the original from what I've been hearing. It may improve some things, but they aren't exactly doing a lot to expand on the genre by releasing a full game when many tweaks could have simply been patched in. Then again, it was a combination of Rock Band and GH3 that killed the rythm game genre in it's current form for me, so I may be letting a little bit of bitter hatred colour my opinion.

    No worries mate. I do agree that there's little improvement between RB and RB2, but I think it's a step in the right direction. I hope that the music game genre improves, but I don't see myself really getting much further into it, I'd honestly rather get back into learning how to play REAL guitar.

  2. Yea this never made sense to me. When I first left college, all entry level jobs I looked at wanted five years of experience for whatever I was looking at. FIVE YEARS.

    Gimme a break.

    I did go to Technical School for electrical wiring (I wanted to work with computers). The School was privately owned, the owner died, and the school was bought out. In the middle of the semester, one by one, they fired the teachers there (as one teacher who still kept his job said, he "retired" early). I ended up leaving, because the substitutes (each one different) that came in every day did not know about our subjects.

    That was four years ago.

    I never recommended that college to anyone, as far as I last heard, it was bought out again, and it's no longer a tech school, but some law, nursing, and office school.

    Honestly, I'm glad I didn't try going to another school. Yes, I know that sounds like I'm a bum, loser, slacker, whatever you want to call me. But know this, JUST BECAUSE YOU GET A DEGREE, DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE GUARANTEED A JOB ANYMORE (5 to 10 years ago, it would have, and I probably would have finished my schooling). I wish I didn't listen to that crap in high school, where they try to scare you into thinking you'll never amount to anything unless you either join the military or you enter college, because if someone only judges the person you are by your education, then to me, that person is an idiot. I had several friends in school I have seen that look down on me because I'm not a college student, and honestly, I don't really think I've lost anything with them. I've seen some intelligent people who never went to advanced schooling, and I've seen people who have a degree in their hand, yet they can't even use a tape measure, or could barely even do basic math without a calculator.

    Sorry, this is just a rant. But I do think it's unfair sometimes when companies see a degree, and now say, "Oh, well, you need three years experience, sorry." Sometimes, it's understandable, but other times, it's unfair. Whoever here is trying to get into Harmonix, I applaud you. Because it's a company that is trying to expand the music gaming market, not just constantly shelling out a game with little features. Yes, I'm referring to Guitar Hero, and to me, it's going to be the next Tony Hawk, with little improvements each year, and slowly gets stale. As far as I've heard, Harmonix wants their game to get to the point that you could actually use REAL instruments. And that, would be something to see.

    Sorry, getting off topic AGAIN....

  3. Anyone up for some Brawl?

    You know, I tried playing online, and I have to say, I hate it. It took forever for it to find a match, and I just didn't really care to play it ever again online.

    That goes for mario kart wii as well. Absolutely worthless battle mode. I wish I could play Mario Kart 64 online, or at least the Super NES one (I know the latter is possible on ZSNES, I just prefer not to fool with going through that).

  4. I guess you could say i could listen to any music out there and tolerate it. Lately, however, i have been LOVING trance and other EDM. Music that, a few years ago, I'd never have imagined listening to.

    Does anyone here have a favorite band/artist that they have been in love with for like... ever? Pink Floyd is among one of my favorites that i have been listening to since... well as long as I have been alive (my mom and dad met at a Pink Floyd concert!).

    Generally, most mainstream I try to avoid, basically I want to avoid hearing a song 80 million times, three times in a day for 10 days you get the idea.

    But an artists I've grown up with? Weezer, Aerosmith, and the Smashing Pumpkins. Yeah, some people here may not like Weezer, but I think they've been a good band so far. Granted, I didn't really like the Make Believe album, mostly because it felt like a, "Hey, we wanna be popular!" kind of feel to it. But the Red Album was great, minus the songs that the other members sang (Though the song "King" was far better than the others on the disc). Why they didn't include the song "Pig" into the actual album, is beyond me.

    Aerosmith? I've stopped liking anything new from them (Thanks Guitar Hero Aerosmith). But the songs from the 80's, and some of the blues songs, were excellent.

    Smashing Pumpkins I've still been delving into. I grew up with Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, which was a peak album I guess for them. But I have yet to listen to all of Siamese Dream, which is regarded as their finest, and with good reason.

  5. I've never really done much research on that religion. But I still feel like this is somewhat a bogus reason for delaying the game. Like they had to tweak something in it, and the lyrics was PART of the reason for the delay.

    That game would definitely be in my Playstation, if I had one that is...

    And don't think I wouldn't recreate a Super Mario Bros. Level, don't think somebody ISN'T going to do it. I can only wait for the youtube videos to show it!!!

  6. How is that different to the majority of Halo 1?

    From what I understand, this new game has a stronger emphasis on stealth, maybe he's talking about that.

    And I wouldn't mind seeing some stealth in Halo.

    Off topic, I liked multiplayer in Halo 2 better than Halo 3. Mostly the maps and options. Not that the tweaks in Halo 3 weren't good, I just liked Halo 2 better. Not to mention I LOVE the single/co-op campaign in Halo 2. Can't recall how many times I went through it.

  7. I usually don't like starting threads, mostly because I think everyone else has better topics than I do. But now that I finally have the internet (and my own place to boot!), I've been lurking through sites, as well as my usual ones, and I stumbled on Pandora, this is an old site for probably 80 % of you guys. But I can't believe how many artists I've come across now because of it.

    I've probably got at least 10 or more channels on it. But what I really want to ask here is this...

    Was there ever a point when you finally branched off and started listening to formats of music you never heard or had stumbled on? I know when I was at least 15-18, that I wouldn't listen to country or hip hop at all. Mostly because I didn't think any of it was any good (I'm not saying much of it is, but that's because of broadcast radio I guess), but after listening to some of it, I can't say I hate it anymore.

    Or maybe a better question, what kind of music had really struck a chord with you? What had made a defining point for you? Has music ever done that for you?

    The "Explosions in the Sky" Channel on Pandora has been getting a lot of play through on my Pandora account, instrumental like this I've only heard in great films...

  8. I had no idea that Duke Nukem had a theme, but then again, I never really cared to play Duke Nukem.

    Generally, I could agree on SOME of those themes, but I think everybody has a different feel on those. I mean, if they're just picking ONE them out of all those games, then I understand. But if it's an overall good soundtrack listing? I only think that Super Metroid, DKC, and Ocarina of Time's soundtrack would be on that list. But I'd of course have PLOK! Beyond Good and Evil, and Ecco Defender of the Future soundtrack on that list...

  9. Music in games is what can make or break a game for me anymore. Sure, that sounds picky, but I don't Punk Rock mixing in with a game that's supposed to be peaceful and serene (not that I don't like Punk). Many games have great music. Take for example what the Follin Brothers did for games like PLOK! Or what Tim Follin did for Ecco: Defender of the Future, which has been getting lots of play through on my MP3 player

  10. you shaddap

    Took da woids outta my mowt.

    Super Star Deluxe is pretty good, can't believe I still remember some of the stuff hidden in The Great Cave Offensive. Love these new cutscene renditions, as well as the fact that they didn't change the music, Nintendo must have known that it's been some of the best stuff on Super NES and therer not being a need to change it.

  11. AFI is "teh gay".

    AFI is alright, it's like they're the fore front of all things EMO and punk, or at least that's what their record company is making them out to be.

    December Underground was good, but Sing The Sorrow is leaps and bounds better.

  12. Might be playing it tonight at a friends, can't wait to try it out. I want to play "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional. I hope that they eventually put "where is my mind?" by the Pixies.

    Can't wait to try Keep 'Em Seperated...

  13. Trance isn't bad, but to me it has to keep me interested. Of course, whether or not a mix is good is a matter of opinion.

    I consider Ecco Defender of the future to have a little elements of trance, but maybe I'm crazy...

    I wish they'd port that game to wii, played like 5 minutes of it on Dreamcast, and loved every minute of it...

  14. Honestly, I played the demo on 360, and I honestly didn't care for the game, and I've been hyped for it since the day I saw it in Game Informer. To me, it just feels like some other game's engine tacked on to with the awesome physics they've integrated into the game.

    But hey, that was just a demo, I'm positive it's polished.

    But I'll probably just rent this game, no real reason I feel to purchase it. But hey, that's just my opinion on it...

  15. I hope they improved on the controls from the last game, I was going to buy it, didn't have the cash, so I rented it (the secret rings I mean). And I quit after about ten missions into it. I'll cut Sega slack because I think they were still getting to know the wii controls, but maybe they'll get it right in round two of a sonic game...

    I hope....

  16. I posted something on page 2 about how they could integrate motion controls for Zelda, don't remember the link. If anybody is daring, go ahead and check it out. I seriously hope Nintedo considers using this style especially with one to one motion control. Sword fights will never be the same again.

    And someone commented on the seuqel for DS. It was good, but not great. But to see the cell shading return was awesome.

  17. I think Wind Waker was the pinnacle of the modern 3D Zeldas. I think after that one they should've simply looked at the original NES Zelda for inspiration and started from scratch, without ties to Ocarina of Time. Twilight Princess was way too much of a rehash of Ocarina for me. I couldn't even finish it.

    Twilight Princess was not a bad game, but Zelda and I have had a falling out after Wind Waker. I can't go back until I'm certain it will be a new game. :(

    Okay, done.

    I honestly feel like they did that because so many fans were just so ignorant with Wind Waker. They were so wrapped up in seeing a "mature" Link, that they just couldn't enjoy it.

    As for the story, they must have wanted it to be like OoT, they must have felt pressured to live up to it. But that game has come and gone. Don't reuse the same elements of the tale. If they want to be so close OoT, then remake it. I loved Midna's tale in Twilight, but beyond that, not much else besides a few boss fights were that great for me.

    They need to start from scratch on the storyline. Wind Waker to me was like a brand new game, in terms of it's story. But it referenced back from where it came, not forgetting the past. Besides, we got to finally see the king of hyrule.

    And yeah, the black and white scene was absolutely awesome, I was completely shocked.

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