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Posts posted by Global-Trance

  1. I mean it's just scaled proportionally to the screen. The best I can say is to just play on Fullscreen Windowed mode. Otherwise gotta live with everything scaled down.

    I'm not sure how text is rendered in game, but maybe you can submit a ticket to the Blizzard support forums asking if they could support better text scaling for smaller resolutions in a future patch.

  2. Not sure what to tell you because that's how big I've seen the text on my end and in every screenshot to date and there isn't a setting to change text size. Do you have a screenshot to show your text size?

  3. This was a pretty interesting read, and has got me a more into D3 than the beta did. Thanks for posting!

    Also it's not really talked about much in that link, but there's going to be 14 levels of gems in D3 as opposed to the 5 levels in D2.


    That is hella gems for hella stat control

  4. Anyone who thinks the auto point allocation dumbs down the game significantly should read this amazing thread and reconsider. In a way it is, but you're not taking everything into consideration. In particular, gems and such will provide a much larger scope of stat control. And these things aren't active in the beta.


    On the surface D3 seems really simplified but I think it potentially will provide a lot more options to the player, just in a very different way compared to D2.

  5. Anyone who wants a little more freedom in where they assign skills should turn on Elective Mode.


    As for the not feeling too gothic and dark, then all that wilderness, desert, jungle, and snow mountains in D2 must have been really disappointing.

    As for difficulty, the first 10-15 levels in this beta is basically the same difficulty as D2 normal was as well. Perhaps a little simpler yeah but I don't think it's bad. I think it's a lot of fun, especially with multiple players. I will reserve my full judgement of D3 until I finish Nightmare / Hell but so far this glimpse of Act I is looking pretty good so far.

    A couple little side highlights for me...

    Shoutouts to the shortcut to hell in the first Diablo:


    Also R.I.P., Warriv. Thanks for the rides to Lut Gholein in Diablo II. You'll be missed:


  6. That's kind of the point of a stress test, isn't it?

    Bingo. I mean it sucks that some people won't get to play it because of the servers being totally capped out but that's the point of the stress test. The fact that things broke is a good sign that things are working as intended. If things eerily worked without any problems on a stress test, then the inevitable crash will come at launch. And THAT is what no Diablo fan will want.

  7. Anyone check out streetview yet?
    Go street level for barftastic pixelated fun

    Yeah that's what I was saying earlier. It's definitely on the same level of a Sega Genesis / Super Nintendo bootlegged game on the NES.

  8. Go street level for barftastic pixelated fun

    Also I wonder if this is at all in any way a jab at Mapquest.

    Edit: Hahaha Search "Area 51" and zoom in.

    Edit 2: Type 0, 0 and zoom in all the way on the green arrow for the Dragon Lord lmao.

  9. I'm surprised nobody made a thread about it here considering it's soundtrack has been a hot topic for anyone who loves it when their games have beautiful music. I don't want to say much if you haven't played it yet. It's a lot better going into it not knowing much. Short, $15 game, but it has made a bigger impact on me than most $60 triple A blockbuster titles in recent memory. Totally worth it.

    Some music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BgASRvG1pws

  10. And just because I'm a computer scientist and actually did a project on datamining.


    tl;dr: datamining does not mean looking through data and hex editing stuff to unlock it, or whatever you kids are doing these days

    I used the term way too liberally and very wrong apparently but I do like to dig around in games and find what's under the surface, particular the things I don't necessarily have to pay for. :]

  11. Remember when we used to have to play the games to unlock stuff?

    The whole pay for on-disc DLC is dumb and stupid. Thank God for hex editors so I can just unlock all that stupid stuff that Capcom wants people to pay for. Even if the datamining is a bit of a headache at times, I'd rather do that then pay however many dollars it takes to get a full roster.

  12. I'm just going to get the PC version and then me and my buddy are going to hack all the costumes and characters and stuff just like we did SSF4AE on Steam. We'd datamine more but some guys already did that for us. Anyways, money issues solved for me. :o)

  13. Well I had a huge post and I lost it.

    The short version is: With the hour I got to spend with the Wii U, I think the technology is amazing but I remain slightly skeptical. The controller can do a hell of a lot of things but I want to see what its full potential will be in both core 1st party games and solid 3rd party games.

    The HD graphics are a nice welcome addition but I am hoping they get more anti-aliasing up in there. It looks nice but jaggies are still present. It's still leaps and bounds better than the original Wii though. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for Wii U.

  14. I have a lot of photos and videos but I have to wait until I go home to edit them.

    Kirby Wii is the tentative title to a proper console Kirby game. This game is beautiful. It is very reminiscent of Kirby Super Star in the way it plays though it probably won't be a collection of several games. Kirby pretty much has all his powers as before though they were not all present in the demo. Some abilities have new boosts/twists to them like the giant swords and the ability to suck up multiple objects/people at once. The ability to have four player co-op is a very welcome addition with each character having their own unique abilities. I got to try Dedede and Waddle Dee. Dedede comes with several hammer abilities, most of which are charge attacks which is taken from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Waddle Dee seems to have the short end of the stick in terms of character powers but he does wield a mean spear. My favorite (and useless) part of the game is how everyone can piggy back on each other. The site of MetaKnight riding on Waddle Dee riding on Dedede riding on Kirby as Kirby beasts through a level is a funny sight. Excellent A++++ title. If you are a Kirby fan, it will be a huge mistake if you miss out on this.

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