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John Revoredo

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Posts posted by John Revoredo

  1. Um...... This sounds like a free arrangement of Zeal Island, which is kinda cool.

    Try to find better drum samples, and make them more powerful (use a compressor) and put their volume higher!!.

    Anyways this is quite fun to listen. try to find more sounds for the drums, and try to work on differenced sections: with that i mean.. try not to make the entire mix sound like an uniform section.. but instead, for it to be divided in several and different sections: that makes the listener enjoy more each part of the song, (if it was only one section, the listener would get tired after one minute.. ).

    Anyways, keep on it. Sounds good so far :-D

  2. The mix begins great, I liked the synths and the piano.

    Later it seems to come a "Sytrus" synth or somthing, and then the drums. I still don't like very much that bass line.. it kinda spoils the great atmosphere you had built up.

    Um, I liked the first drum part, but I would put instead a longer and more "hard/distorted" snare drum, maybe like this

    I would even say that you could try addding some "mixing" to the drums (maybe like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gbum-dJTuI )

    I would say the biggest danger for you here is to fall on repetitiveness, although I've liked the mix so far.. Maybe you could try implementing different sections and such.

    As for the good things:

    I really loved the synthesizer atmosphere you built, the piano and the beats. It's really chilling, and for sure is a song I'd put on my mp3.

    It's great stuff what you got here.

    Sounds awesome :-D

  3. This begins really cool. Nice flava.

    Some sexy drumming, I'd even put the snare drum more metallic.. but that's just a thing of my tastes LOL.

    Loved the semi-background piano.

    Ugh.. wait a sec... lead flute? LOL Flute wasn't the right option.. maybe you didn't have to put a lead theme there!.. this is sweet as atmospheric.

    Then comes some keyboarding and hot eq-ing play. I really liked that.

    In 1:55 comes a hot transition... however it doesn't feel like a total transition...So, i woul instead put some half-silence bars before (without drums..but with some instrumental stuff)... that would make the change stronger.

    Reversed bell sounds? Whoa.. that's REALLY sexy.

    I'm freaking diggin this. You know what could make this perfect?

    A huge drum mix, ... like this:

    or this


    (i'd even advise to get a decent quality version of the mp3 tunes.)

    Also, you could do some good stuff with some scratching-gear

    .. but that is hell expensive!!

    Anyways, good work , mate!. Your tunes have never let me down. :-D

  4. oh man... They should pay you for this :-D

    Awesome advise guys, I'll keep everything in mind.

    Also, I would point that the Equalizing sucks. I put some Fl filtre that is a terrible, but don't worry on the next version, I want this to turn out awesome.

    Is there any ethnic/orchestral drum library/kit you'd recommend me?

    Sephfire: Tell me a site where you think I can host the wip. I'd love to hear your crits/comments :-)

    Davidicus: ok, I've made the brasses sound more "brassy" LOL , and also added staccato trombones for the first time evah. (Since putting beef inside my computer seemed not to work LOL)

    Sil: I took the idea of turning the 6/8 into a 3/4 later on the Davy Jones (LOL) part

    Robotaki: I still have to find out a way to make that magic of the "less sustained marcato string", I'll try to work on that. BTW, what happened with the collab? LOL Pick a song or something and drop me a pm!

  5. I've got about a minutes worth of junk that I've kicked around for an Icon of Sin remix. Seems like there's a few people looking to do that one. We could always attempt another 8 person collab in effort to rival OWA :)

    Whoa.. that could be great fun, man! ^^ I would be chillin' loving forward to that.. I'll send ya what I've done so you tell me what you think ! :roll:


    To DjRedlight: I've also found this


    An mp3 that showcases the similarities between known songs and doom tunes.

    Here is the individual comparison


  6. okay, I'm giving a try to do a Nine-Inch-Nails - ish mix of Opening to Hell with a singer whose voice resembles to Kurt Cobain's voice (sorry I couldn't find any Trent Reznor LOL) ... Do you guys think this one can get in the project?.. Anyways, if it doesn't , I'm planning to finish it anyways and send it to OCr... ^^

  7. Star Fox. A friend of mine had The Wingless's mix "Godspeed", after it first was posted here....

    The rest is as they say, history.

    WHoa.. dude, that one kicked ass!.. What I found on the internet was Saiko's Crying Mountain mix... searching chrono trigger stuff on the internet .

    To tell the truth, I must be quite thankful to snes emulation :roll:

    (BTW.. Where the hell is Saiko rite now?)

  8. Thanks a lot for the comments, you guys.. I'm flattered! ^^

    --> Jacian: I've checked your stuff, and dropped a message you there!. Good stuff , man! :-D

    AH!.. and about the bells, the ones I use the most are: TUBULAR BELLS and GLOCKENSPIEL...

    Anyways, you'll find this stuff and more orchestral stuff in software such as Edirol Orchestral, Garritan Personal Orchestra or East West Quantum Leap Gold (that last one is the best)

    --> Robotaki: Cool!.. although.. I hate Final Fantasy XII sountrack LOL .. AGH.. is so repetitive that it makes me sick, I almost stopped playing the game because of it.... LOL .. hahaha, I've always preferred Nobuo Uematsu's work.. :-P

    Agh.. man, it's a damn pity I'm not very active in this community, I really appreciate everyone's support!..

    Thank you guys!

  9. There is some really good stuff here!!! :-D Whoa, sounds pretty cool!.

    Now this is what i think

    - The piano sounds nice

    - The phased drums at the beginning are really cool

    - I think that you made the intro too long, the strong beats should've started before... and I would've started using the definitive drum and bass beats you used later in the song. Also, I would put a bass just when the drums start :D

    - Maybe you should find the sound of a more "agressive" snare drum sample! :roll: A stronger hit, so your drum and bass beat sounds a lot more energic and awesome.

    - Maybe you could try to add one more instrument to make the melody?

    Anyways man.. I really digg this. Good work! :D

  10. Okay.. finally the 31 seconds mix with extended intro is done...

    The Orichalcon : --> I'm not sure if the first two bell "dings" should go in the song... i think it could be better erasing them.. (anyways.. that's 2 seconds of erasing, i think)

    Well.. I hope u like it man.. I'm really willing to see this project released ^^

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