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  1. Hello people! A few weeks ago I had a sudden spark of inspiration and started composing a soundtrack to an imaginary movie/series based on Dan Simmons's Hyperion books. It's still very much a work in progress, but check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_i1Srxi-y8
  2. One of my latest dub creations. Drop some feedback please! I'm also working on a Chrono Trigger Robo Dub in the WIP section for videogame mixes. Check it out! Rising Tide
  3. Okay Here's my second go at a song, its one we all love , errr i mean i hope it is lol. http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/203-v1-Kylebean-After_Today_We_Part This IS only the intro to what will be a much longer song, i'm just curious at this stage to know what people think Thanks for your time x
  4. okay this is my first ever remix! I'll accept constructive criticism, as its probably lame lol but no harsh comments please let me know what you think tho, and i hope you enjoy http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/202-v1-Kylebean-A_world_of_Distortion
  5. So, a little while ago, I posted one of my beats in the Workshop Feedback: Originals/Other forum hoping someone could suggest a VG song I could mix it with, but for the longest, I just couldn't find anything that would work. I happened to come across a very, very old WIP that I did of this same source a few years ago that was basically a midi rip. I reworked that WIP adding my beat to it, and making some major changes to mix things up and add more of a personal touch to it. Check it out! Original: WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?o3dldzn20jb
  6. A little something I've been working on for the past days. Although it's nothing to write home about, I'm pleased with the way this came together. Please comment Enjoy!! UPDATE (v1.0): Last version was just a raw skeleton, while this one proves a (not definitive but) much better arranged one. Please listen and comment.
  7. Music source: Remix link: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=512 I've been working on this remix for a while now. I would like get some feedback on the arrangement. Right now the instruments are all midi, but that will change in the future.
  8. this is a VERY rough outline of my chrono cross remix. basically it's a .mid rip. it's just to see what instruments i wanted to use & how fast I want the tempo. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY PLEASE ^0^ ROUGH DRAFT:
  9. Monty on the Run from Martians [remix] Yes, cheesy title: couldn't think of a more appropriate title without either going into Panic at the Disco length titles or multiple copyrights. Anyhow, this is my first "remix", taking an 8-bit track and modifying it with Audacity, and I like the result. I'd still need some feedback though: particularly comparing the butchered bass-line of the remix to the grittiness of the original (which doesn't translate well with the edits made) and seeing which is the lesser of two evils. EDIT: hosting through mediafire now.
  10. It's been one full year (from yesterday) since I published my first theme. To view my work in chronological order click here: [ http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3229AF79FE8D0FFC ] to view it in VIDEO LOG FORM (and in reverse chronological order) click here: [ http://www.youtube.com/profile_video_blog?user=Numberoneblind ] FEEDBACK WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!! but please judge on a compositional basis. My virtual instruments are pretty much crap so i'd like feedback solely on my songwriting. Thankyou ***Also*** i'd like to note that if you are watching my videos from the first link there are higher quality versions of those same songs further down the line. Thanx for watching!!! EDIT: Please IGNORE the VIDEO LOG link. Apparently there's no way to activate the feature for youtube channels using the new layout. Thanx!!!
  11. this is a VERY rough outline of my aria di mezzo carattere remix. basically it's a .mid rip. it's just to see what instruments i wanted to use & how fast I want the tempo. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY PLEASE ^0^ ROUGH DRAFT:
  12. Game: Donkey Kong Country Original Track: Life in the Mines ReMix: This is actually my second ReMix of this song (first was in this:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22879 mini-medley, which I'll be coming back to later). It was made entirely in Reason 4 and it's part of a collaborative remix project on a DKC fansite. Arrangement-wise, it's pretty much finished (just gotta change the drums and work on some transitions), but I think the production might be a bit off. So, please give feedback/criticism/advice if you can. By the way, there's also a few cameos/references in there. They are, in order of appearance: 0:20 - Green Brinstar (Super Metroid) 1:01(piano) - Cave Dweller Concert (Donkey Kong Country) [the bit at 2:08] 2:29 - Mining Melancholy/Kanon's Klaim (Donkey Kong Country 2) Also 4:55 sounds like On to Grasstown (Cave Story), but that was an accident.
  13. Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/347152799/Final_Fantasy_-_Victory_Fanfare__WIP_Mix_.mp3 It has been a long time since I sended any remixes to OCRemix.. FLStudio 8 used I know that there must be something in this to be made better but I need opinions first
  14. Hello my name is Michael but I'm known as Geeky Stoner on the Internet.I'm new to the OCremix community but I've been coming to the site for while now. Fist off Ive only been messing around with the fruity loops demo for a couple months now so i don't fully grasp the program yet.I hope the mix doesn't come off too repetitive I tried some effects and filters and a little rearranging to break up the monotony but over all it doesn't stray too far from the source material.So gimme some input please on what you think of this remix and whether its up to OCremix standards. Edit took this version down Panders critique is really spot on how this version sounded.
  15. I made this over the afternoon today Just felt like making something easy i dunno it is a little loud i guess opinions, critiques? please post Oh yeah here is the original theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTFHhpZl3Uk
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