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Found 5 results

  1. I would love to see Hybrid Heaven's Battle Theme (Fight!) and Boss Theme (Fight Hard!) to be remixed, simply because there is no remixes or remakes of Hybrid Heaven anywhere on Youtube that i can find. Literally. This game is one of those forgotten gems that were created on the N64, when it was at the end of its shelf life. If i had to choose one of the two, i would definitely go with the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!). The build up is too good to leave out! Sadly though, the last segment of that specific song doesn't play twice before looping over again. It's pretty much everyone else's favorite part as well. lol, PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN! <3 P.S. The Battle Theme (Fight!) is also good, but like i said, if i had to choose between the 2, it'd be the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!) instead. Feel free to merge them together if you'd like. Both songs are linked below. Here's a Youtube link for the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!). And here's a Youtube link of an Orchestral Remix Demo that someone actually created for the build up part, just to give you an idea of how it could sound when fully remixed. As for the type of style/genre that would probably work well for this song?... Possibly more epic, upbeat, atmospheric, orchestral, etc. types! Kind of like a modern take, since the N64 had audio limitations. I wanna feel badass, with a sense of urgency when fighting a big boss in-game. Feel free to implement the Battle Theme (Fight!) as well. It has a dark/serious tone to it, which i really love.
  2. Hello again! This time I'm posting a track that I've worked on for a few years on and off, but was never really happy with the mix until very recently (thanks new monitors and headphones!). It's a chiptunesque idm/edm dance track (as per my usual style) made entirely in Schism Tracker. The title is a bit lengthy, I know XD Probably my longest title to date. Anyhoo, here it is! Enjoy!
  3. This is a game score that I made music for. Although the game did not reach completion I still wrote a good amount of music for it. This demo is not all of the music I wrote but it is a taste of the sound. I hope to use this music in a future project. My sound mixing technique still needs a lot of work so any advice on the composition, mixing, balance, etc, would be very helpful!
  5. Hey guys, please support me and vote for my "Metal Hybrid EDM" song! https://goo.gl/fkezdt *Remember, for the vote to count, you must connect to facebook, and agree to follow casablanca on spotify (you can unfollow them after the vote, and you can delete you wavo.me account after voting as well). You will know the vote counted when seeing "Thank you for voting, and you should see the vote count increase!
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