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Found 7 results

  1. Hello friends! I'm pleased to share that, well, I did something I once thought I'd never do. I went back and remastered a whole bunch of my old remixes. Specifically, for the purpose of assembling and releasing a cohesive collection that I call Game Remix, Tracker Homage. https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/game-remix-tracker-homage-remastered A tremendous amount of work went into this (extracting layers from the tracker and mixing them in ProTools is a significant time spend), so I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! And Merry Christmas everyone!
  2. Hello friends! Mazedude here. And for those of you who don’t already know, I’m at it again… making another ambitious album with plans for funding via Kickstarter. This one is even on a grander scale than American Pixels. Here’s the thing though… it’s not VGM. It’s something completely different. Check out the video below to hear me explain the vision: Yep, Bible music. Take a verse, and compose what it sounds like. This project has been in the brain for years… and I’m finally doing it. To read more, explore the verses chosen, and to subscribe or pre-order, check out the website: https://www.wordsandversesproject.com/ Also feel free to like the project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Words-and-Verses-a-Biblical-Music-Project-113182900391305/ And I’m not saying this everywhere, but I’ll say it here… there’s a very good chance that this will grow beyond the first album, and into a project that will ultimately require other composers. I’ve already had several fellow music-makers reach out, indicating that they’d be interested in contributing to future albums should this endeavor make it to that point… so if this idea is speaking to any of you reading this, to where you might want to help some day, let me know here: https://www.wordsandversesproject.com/composers Otherwise, keep your eyes open as this heads to Kickstarter! (And if you want to help me fund the campaign itself, take a minute and pre-order here for additional bonuses later on: https://www.wordsandversesproject.com/pre-order) Thanks everyone; feel free to reach out with any questions! Stay tuned! PS - I'm nearly ready to share a few WIPs, which I'll probably just showcase in this same thread, so follow along and keep an eye out.
  3. Hey all; just wanted to share some pretty cool news, for everyone here who didn't see the buzz on Facebook. This past Friday, my hometown of Syracuse held their annual "Syracuse Area Music Awards," also known as the SAMMYS. Local artists were celebrated per albums released during the previous year. Considering my remix project of American Pixels was launched last January, and I crafted it in Syracuse, I was nominated. I'm blessed to be able to announce that I actually won the award for "Best Electronica," and was able to use the platform to showcase the world of video game remixing (and game music in general) to a whole new audience! It was awesome to be honored where I grew up, but it was doubly cool to take game music to a place that typically focuses on rock, jazz, and folk, ya know? It was a fun night.
  4. Hey all; just wanted to share that at long last, I have (once again) rebuilt Mazedude.com. I'd love it if you could take a peek, explore a bit, and let me know what you think. http://www.mazedude.com Some of the remix descriptions are a bit sparse (or missing), and I'm working on filling those in over time. Otherwise, I've brought back that nifty "compare to the original" feature that people liked from the old site, I've loaded the (available) descriptions with inspiration and reference material, and you can also play the entire American Pixels album through the site. Every track has its own URL, it's mobile-friendly... lots of good stuff. Oh, and as of last night I've also built a search engine into the platform. Check it out and share your thoughts, many thanks!
  5. Say... a question for y'all. I'm currently upgrading my home studio, getting some new gear in there, and I'm wondering... if I were to create a re-mastered version of The American Album (originally released in 2005), would there be any interest? Better mixing, maybe bring in some live instruments, etc.? I wouldn't want to pull a Lucas and re-make pieces of history that were fine the way they were... but then again, I could pull a Schafer and have fun simply presenting some material that hey, you enjoyed this years ago, now here it is again in HD. Btw here's the album if you want to give it a fresh listen: https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/the-american-album
  6. Friends, I have awesome news. At long last... after five years of talking about it... American Pixels is here. The project has just landed on Kickstarter for the final push, this 4th of July in the year of our Lord 2016. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1265656914/american-pixels-a-game-music-tribute-album-by-maze This has been a labor of love, blood, sweat, and tears... and damn the music came out awesome, if I do say so myself. Now I just need that last little nudge to cover the cost of mastering, licensing, CD duplication, etc. Any and all help from the OCR crew to spread the word would be vastly appreciated; let's make this thing EPIC together!
  7. Ever write a bunch of music for a project, to basically be told "yeah... it's good... but it's too dark and heavy"...? Well, I have. That's what happened with this collection I put together here a while ago (it occurred that I put it on Bandcamp but don't think I ever shared it here). The project director asked me to then write some music that wouldn't "scare the children," hence the title, heh. https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/please-dont-scare-the-children It's original, but it definitely has a video gamey quality to a whole lot of it, so, enjoy.
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