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Found 2 results

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWbZ2IMwS4 On January 1st I was thinking about what remix I should initiate the new year with. I've had my mind on the Super Mario Galaxy series now and then, listened to the OST a lot, just love the music. I never had the Nintendo Wii nor Switch, so I actually never played any of those 3D Mario games. One day I will, for sure, because they sound and look amazing. Initially I had a hard time coming up with any natural compositions for extending this original tune, but after hours of thinking and versions of any kind, I finally came up with something to work from (1:05) outside the original. At times like this, when I never played the game, I always do a little research about the original song, when it is played and what happens when it plays. I got a really good feeling watching some gameplay from the Star Festival and the purpose of it - once every 100 years Star a comet passes by and release Star Bits. The Mushroom Kingdom celebrates this festive event by gathering in the castle garden outside Peach's castle to collect these Star Bits, then combines them into a grand star which is brought into the castle. Mario is of course invited to this rare festival. I just love how they built up the little town in which the festival is held. It's so cosy and just screams of Toads celebration and starry vibes. Another place I noticed the original theme was played in, was in the end associated to when Rosalina appears, which is such an amazing character. I just had to put her in the video background, got some really melancholic and nostalgic feels when she appeared in that final scene. I guess I got some kind of crush on her Oh, I actually tried to reproduce the melancholic and nostalgic feel at 1:32 to 2:24. I definitely will play her the next time I take a Mario Kart 8 race at one of my friends' house. I really enjoyed creating this one, I hope you all enjoy listen to it! Or play to it or whatever you do Cheers, Neon X
  2. https://youtu.be/wnNmK30KBRs Okay, this theme has been in my mind for the past 18 months or so. A friend of mine I met here on YouTube and then Discord came with this suggestion 18 months, and by then I really didn't know what it was. But as soon as I started listen to it I slowly started to remember that I played this game at my dad's apartment (after my parents divorce which is another sad story for another time). However, the memories coming back to me with this music isn't sad at all, it's amazing what music can bring forth from any period of your life, despite if it was a tough or lovely period. What about this song then, it contains many hard elements and harmonies to write down by ear, but with enough time on my back with it I think I managed to make it sound as I wanted. I started off by writing down the exact song to stay true and close to the original. I really love the beginning and the build up. I then gently gave it a touch of "myself" by adding my lead synth and make the chords somewhat fatter. Then I go all in on my standard instrumentation, adding some new melodies and solos. After that a new section with an original melody and chords that crash into a half tempo section with the main theme. Finishing off with the intro tones, chords and a build-up FX. I didn't make this remix that long, I don't want to wear out this fantastic song too much. It's one of the most genious compositions I've ever heard in video game music. So good.
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