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Found 20 results

  1. This game is pretty short but has some great music.
  2. I recently bought Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 and immediately began playing the nostalgic video game. Kingdom Hearts music and square enix music have always been great videogame music and scores. The song and score that stood out to me is "It Began With A Letter" by Yoko Shimomura that plays after Donald and Goofy realize that King Mickey is gone. I tried to sample the beat and create somewhat of a Pluto's Theme since he is the one who delivers letters through out the series. The beat has a ton of synthesizers, some drums, and two pianos. The first part is somewhat vanilla. The second part is a mash of synthesizers all using different parts of the scores. The third part is experimental sampling and reversing of the music. Hope you enjoy. Remix: Original:
  3. A house remix of Ventus' Theme from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Genre: House/EDM BPM:128 I have a bunch of KH mixes on my YT channel but I'll make separate threads for them later on so as not to spam the forums. Ciao!
  4. Hi, here is my remix of the Roxas Theme from the Kingdom Hearts 2 video game for PS2. My second ever mix originally done on Sony Acid. Unfortunately I lost the ACID DAW file with the actual arrangements so I can't actually make any changes besides filters and what not. If anyone is good at manipulating filters and gates and have a way to make the sound better please leave any comments and thoughts. If you think it sound fine the way it is thank you too. Original My Mix
  5. Hi, I sampled the first few bars from Final Fantasy X-2 Theme Song Wind Crest The Three Tails (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQm2dO0qI5g) with FL Studio. Was aiming for a new soul sound with epiano and bass. Near the end of the song it kind of gets away from it because the song transition felt like it need something slightly different so added a some synthesizers. I don't think it sounds too bad but good criticism is welcome. I would like some feed back. Enjoy. Thanks for listening.
  6. Hi, Sampled the score March of the Dreadnoughts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV4lbn29T_c from Final Fantasy XIII. Easily the worst Final Fantasy game but has some good music scores. I wasn't really going for anything the music kind of arranged itself. Has a poppy and clubby beat. Doesn't sound too bad but of course feedback and criticism are always welcome. I think I would like to optimize the sound I have so any suggestions will be considered. Enjoy. Thanks for listening.
  7. Song Boss fight
  8. Why doesn't this game have more mixes?
  9. Mist Begins to Form The music. In the game. Feel Refreshed This music plays when you're choosing your character.
  10. Brain Lord , Illusion of Gaia, and Secret of Evermore. All three have plenty of good songs. I think maybe making a album using snes rpgs would be a good idea maybe ;Star Ocean, Seiken Densetsu 3, Tales of Phantasia, Lufia 1 & 2 , or Breath of Fire 1 & 2 besides the first three i mentioned.
  11. The music. The music in game.
  12. Just the music. The music in game. The first song playing (Both Sides Case) is also a good one.
  13. Just the music. The music in gameplay.
  14. Just the music. The scene where the music plays.
  15. Just the Music. The gameplay & music. This game needs some mixes.
  16. I love both Podunk songs, I use to start a new game just to listen to them. Podunk 1965 Podunk 1995
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