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  1. Although I'm planning to buy a real electric guitar in the near future (I guess it will be one of those really lovely Yamaha Pacifica models), I think it has to wait some more time 'cause I don't want to buy any new hardware stuff until my forthcoming relocation (in around a year or so) has been successfully done (just to avoid breaking new stuff at the transport - I'm pretty sure I will carry my previous studio equipment on my very own and won't let anybody lay a finger on my gear :DD). But in the meantime, I'm still looking for a very good electric guitar VSTi that provides a very realistic raw electric guitar sound, all the necessary articulations sampled with different MIDI velocity layers and especially one with which you can emulate all the crazy guitar playing techniques of a professional guitar player in a useful way without a too complex use of programming and editing features and without bending your fingers on the MIDI keykoard much more than a real guitar player would bend a string with ease. So, I'm looking for an electric guitar VSTi you will still use for remixes and own compositions after you learned to play a real electric guitar in a professional way. I'm pretty sure that some of these VSTis can keep up with realistic electric guitar sounds and playing styles and that those VSTis might be really good for working on little details within a composition and changing things pretty easily without playing whole passages with a real electric guitar over and over again in front of the mic, with the guitar amp or straight in the audio interface. At least it can't hurt to be able to work with both solutions - a real electric guitar and a realistic electric guitar VSTi as well. For a long time, I have been looking for such kind of a realistic guitar VSTi, like electric guitars from Shreddage, Ample Sound, 8dio, EastWest Sounds etc. And there has already been some pretty serious stuff amongst those VSTI developers (especially the Shreddage series contains pretty tough stuff) - but somehow nothing convinced me completely to be a round 'n' sound thing. In most cases, it was the (less convincing) raw sound of the electric guitar samples, the lack of playable articulations and playing styles or the lacking possibilities of playing more complex guitar techniques with ease via MIDI keyboard and with the help of a clear, intuitive VSTi interface that have led me away from the desire of getting additional electric guitar VSTis (since I always had some quite decent guitar VSTi stuff in my Independence Pro Library). But today I got a mail with lots of special offers from Native Instruments. And within all the offered stuff I've noticed an electric guitar VSTi that really draw my attention after hearing the first samples and after looking for a walkthrough video a few minutes later. The VSTi is called "Electric Sunburst Deluxe" and I would say that it's one of the most impressing electric guitar VSTis I've ever seen and listened to - and at which quite everything seems to fit for my purposes and desires. Just have a look and two attentive ears at this one: Although I'm not a too big fan of the Kontakt sample player (Independence Pro sample player & Engine 2 sample player are much more intuitive and more user-friendly sample players with a much higher level of integrated complexity concerning editing and sound design possibilities and without annoying restrictions for several other third party VSTis - where especially the free Kontakt player can cause some issues). But the VSTis from Native Instruments - especially this electric guitar VSTi - look 'n' sound kinda impressive and generally seem to have a good reputation. Since the Electric Sunburst Deluxe VSTi seems to fully work with the free Kontakt player and it has a special 50% off deal at the moment, I am thinking about giving this one a try for a highly anticipated creative Christmas present to myself. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/guitar/session-guitarist-electric-sunburst-deluxe/ But before I'm going to buy this one, I just wanted to ask the community what the VSTi geeks and professional guitar players think of it... So, what's your opinion about this electric guitar VSTi? And do you know further electric guitar VSTis that can keep up with this one maybe?
  2. Welcome to Shreddage 2 SRP, the newest KONTAKT PLAYER-powered virtual guitar from Impact Soundworks! Building on our legacy of rock & metal focused 7-string guitars, we've sampled a new American guitar performed by rising star Jules Conroy - better known as FamilyJules7x on YouTube. Together, we collaborated to create an incredibly versatile sample library that excels for hi-gain styles, but is just as well suited for a wide range of genres. Using the same great engine as our other Shreddage guitars, SRP offers total control over mapping, performance, and engine settings, allowing you to customize the instrument to your liking - OR just load and play, using any of the built-in FX presets! AUDIO DEMOS LIBRARY WALKTHROUGH (intro song is me!) SHREDDAGE 2 vs. IBZ vs. SRP COMPARISON KEY FEATURES * Over 15,000 new 24-bit samples * 7 strings with a low note of drop G * Clean (DI) recordings for custom tone crafting * Classic American sound: well-rounded and versatile * Ultra-realistic performance engine * Customizable articulation mapping & engine settings * Easy compatibility with Shreddage 2 & IBZ * Built-in FX rack with amp/cab presets * Compatible with KONTAKT PLAYER ARTICULATIONS * Single note & powerchord sustains * Single note & powerchord palm mutes UP TO 11 LAYERS * Single note & powerchord staccatos * Tremolo picking * Pinch squeal & regular harmonics * Portamento slides * Hammer-on and pull-off legato * Unpitched & pitched release noises * Over 100 FX sounds AVAILABILITY * Available NOW for Kontakt Player 5.3.1 * Intro price: $119 for new customers, $99 for Shreddage 2 license owners, $79 for Shreddage 2 IBZ owners Click for more information and to purchase!
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