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Found 5 results

  1. ==TURBODRIFT= POLL IS OPEN FOR RAINBOW ROAD THEME REMIX ! ==INTRODUCTION== TURBODRIFT is a Mario Kart ReMix Album project, consisting of 4 sets of 4 ReMixes, separated by 4 voice tracks introducing each set. Which puts us to 20 tracks. Each set is considered like a 'cup', there is 4 of them : "Mushroom Cup", "Shell Cup", "Banana Cup" and "Star Cup". ==CREATING THE ALBUM== ♫♪ This album is under some restrictions that MUST be respected so that we can live all together in peace. ♫♪ First, There is some rules regarding each cup: There is only one ReMix of any "Mario Circuit" VGM from any MK game available and it MUST be on the "Mushroom Cup" set. There is only one ReMix of any "Bowser Castle" VGM from any MK game available and it MUST be the last track on the "Banana Cup" set. There is only one ReMix of any "Rainbow Road" VGM from any MK game available and it MUST be the last track on the "Star Cup" set. However, the theme will be publicly voted and imposed to the ReMixer who choose this track. (Vote has ended on October 10th 2018 - Super Mario Kart Rainbow Road has been voted.) Each track must remix a different circuit theme, and not a different version. (To prevent SMK madness from the sets) Ex: If Donut Plains 1 is picked, there cannot be any Donut Plains 2 ReMix in the album. Location on sets will be decided between ReMixers. (Optional but prefered) Each Set should contain 4 different remixes, from drastically different circuits. This is not mandatory but it ads to the album's dynamic. You can pick any track from any MK game you want as long as it fits the rules here, it's first come first serve, make sure to write down your choice on this thread so that everybody can see it. ==RECRUITMENT== This album needs a total of 16 ReMixers, a voice actor and an illustrator. 10 Places remaining for the remixers. ReMixers : Awaiting position : --- Mushroom Cup: [Mario Kart 8 - Sunshine Airport] StarPhoenix [] --- [ xxx - Mario Circuit] Collab' [] --- Shell Cup : [ Mario Kart 64 - Koopa Troopa Island ] Ridiculously Garrett [ Mario Kart 64 - Sherbet Land ] Ronald Poe [] --- [] --- Banana Cup : [Super Mario Kart - Donut Plains] Smittenden [] --- [] --- [Super Mario Kart - Bowser Castle] TheChargingRhino Star Cup : [] --- [] --- [] --- [Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road] Gario Voice Actor : --- Illustrator : --- The rule is: First come, First serve, so be fast before there is no more room. I'll be checking, but I'll be noting in the order of the responses in this thread. No PM, no mail or something, just reply that you're in and what circuit you're going to ReMix. If you want to do voice acting, send me a PM, I'll give you some instructions to see if you fit the role, and we'll see what we do. If you reply just after another member with the same track, you are in, but you'll be asked to change your source. If you don't choose a source, you'll not be considered as participating, so don't forget to choose a source. ==DEADLINE== FINAL DEADLINE IS FOR SATURDAY APRIL 20th 2019 - 12:59 PM CEST [ 05:59 PM EST] Inscriptions deadline is for Thursday January 31st 2019 - 12:59 PM CEST [ 05:59 PM EST] Submission deadline is for Thursday February 28th 2019 - 12:59 PM CEST [ 05:59 PM EST] Deadlines were extended, due to a lack of participants.
  2. Vol 1 recruiting(unpaid as of right now) FINAL FANTASY 15 Shattered Dreams Audiobook Vol. 1: Fractured(I need understudy people as well as main actors) A Fan Fiction for Final Fantasy 15. Written by Quantum Leek(Fanfiction.net; AO3). This is the story of a family torn asunder by the death of a father, and everything that came before. Featuring dad!Regis and a twin sister for Noctis. This fic is two stories twisted together: one follows the game's timeline and tells the story of a prince and princess coming to terms with death and destiny, while the other is the story of their lives before and everything that leads up to the beginning of the game. if you get ANY Role I'll PM you My discord server Rules: For VAs if you get a role be serious about it don't give me excuses like "I was too tired" if you don't want to do it don't audition. I will have understudy people for real emergencies though. Put your heart into it. I don't care if you ham it up. just act/emote. have at least a halfway decent recording set up; I don't want the background noise of crying babies, airplanes, cars etc. in your recording for all: have fun Audition info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_HG1JFTt1gtkt01YymvTxcWSA9H72HFVSwBAEqiJREg/edit?usp=sharing I need at least 2 more female & 5 male voices: Camelia Claustra 5-10 people to be extras for certain situations(Regis' Council, angry mob etc.) I would also like these: ignis' uncle, clarus amicitia (another)Gladio Prompto regis emperor aldercapt ignis drautos Cor weskham Iris
  3. I need a lyricist to write English or Latin lyrics for this part: http://tindeck.com/listen/rpjeh
  4. I need Someone to be the Impressario for these: 1/8/2018 Update of the full thing: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/783880
  5. ...for Dancing Mad trio: PM me if interested.
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