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*NO* Super Mario World, LoZ: Ocarina of Time & LoZ 3 'Nintendo Forest Mix'

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Mr. Pizza I'll get straight to the point and I hope you won't mind. Yes its about a remix submission but I believe that I've waited enough time to contact one of the submission judges. I submitted a remix and recieved an automatic conformation from DJP on October 3rd. We're now headed towards January and yet still nothing. I believe (along with numerous others) that my remix will be liked by MANY OCers including yourself. I dont know how this would work but I guess I'm supposed to give you the URL of my song

URL of Song:

(second song on that page named Nintendo Forest Mix)

My remix takes the forest/woods themes of popular Nintendo games and converts them into a 6 min dance mix that I'm almost positve you'll like.

Please Mr. Pizza if you could do anything to maybe speed up the process and somehow tell DJP to take my remix into consideration I'd be very greatful

Thanks for your time Mr. Pizza.


(Sound Junkie)


He said he hopes I like it and I do...but not enough to say "yes". The problem with this is that even though this is meant to be a club mix, it's not "club" enough, ya know? I never thought I'd say this, but there just isn't enough techno in this song. The standard techno beat is there, but it's not loud enough. A few more stereotypical dance tune effects woulda been nice in thar. I DO like this and I AM going to keep it for myself, but I can't say yes to posting. Some more technical gimmicks will help partially make up for the fact that these melodies are followed damn near verbatim. Please continue working on this. I want to see it posted.


i feel so dirty. if you'll excuse me, i need to put my face in a meat grinder again.


Goodness, I love the originals which this ReMix came from. It's a shame that the ReMix doesn't do justice to the originals. The percussion is really boring and repetitive. The mastering could have been executed more professionally. It's much too quiet for the style that is trying to be achieved. Work on this things, and we'll see a rad ReMix.



Hmmm, this is a hard one. The mix did get repetative around the 4 min mark, could have used more variation in that part. We don't get a fill on the drums until way too late in the song. I do like this mix, but I had the feeling that it could be more. This needs more energy.



Sorry man, more is required than a simple disco beat with random melodies over it. I like the original songs too, that was kinda disappointing. This might have even been good if the beat was changed up a bit more and that drumloop wasnt ever present. Also, the minimalisticness is kinda eck.

Very repetitve

Good sound though.


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