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To anyone on the judge's panel: is it necessary to submit the source tune (or a link to it) with a submitted remix? I have a good remix idea from a song from The Manhole (a game written by the developers of Myst back in 1988. I'm having trouble finding the source tune though. I'm not sure if my parents still have the original 5 1/4" disks, but they certainly don't have a PC that can run them. The closest I've come to finding it online is a re-release on gametap, which doesn't have the same music.

Is it necessary to submit the source tune given that I can't find it online? Should I even bother mixing this song?

To anyone: does anyone happen to have access to the 1988 version of The Manhole and some way to record the music? Low quality is fine. I'm looking for the song that plays in Mr. Dragon's lair; it's got a bit of a funk groove to it.


It is not required. However, if the game is obscure and the soundtrack is not readily available or accessible by us, please do your best to provide us with as much information as possible. Even if you can find low-quality YouTube clips or MIDIs, that would be great. If we can't find the source it will be very hard to judge and you can be almost certain the judgment will take way longer.


Thanks, Moseph. There were two DOS/Windows rereleases, and that is the first (GameTap has the second). I don't want to buy it and take the chance that it has the same music (or at least a better-quality version) of the original.

zircon, Youtube and VGMusic have got nothing, and googling for it has so far been unsuccessful. I doubt too many people felt the need to rip audio from late-80's PC games. I could make a MIDI or short MP3 of the source tune (it was a monophonic bass riff that loops after 12 bars); just not sure if that seems too self-serving (in other words, a few of the judges might trust me, but most don't really know me at all, so who's to say I didn't make up a song because it sounded cool?)


I actually have the Manhole for Mac lying around somewhere in my parents' basement. Not sure which version, but I think I remember some sort of funk song in the dragon's lair. I may just try digging out the game anyway, because I haven't played it so long and I loved it as a kid. If I find the song, I'll let you know.


I'd love it if you were able to do that, but obviously, please don't feel you have to.

Shortest path to the dragon's lair: up the beanstalk twice (second time takes you up several branches on one click), forward to the tower, turn right at the tower entrance, take one step towards the pool, click down to see the hole with the ladder, go down the ladder.

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