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Chrono Cross - Time's Scar


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Hi everyone ! First post here, so I'll talk a bit about myself before...

I stumbled on OCRemix while looking for remixes of Link's Awakening's Ballad of the Windfish, and eventually it made me want to try out some remixing.

Now I'm no musician, even though I plan to get on with piano lessons sometime this year, so this first incomplete piece I'm presenting here is a mere "re-orchestration". Sound pretentious, but I don't know if there is another word for it.

So here goes: it's Time's Scars, from Chrono Cross. I really like this music, and it's quite popular, so I'm guessing I'm not the first one having a go at it.


So as I said, this is a first try - so all kind of criticism accepted. If you're using technical terms however, please give a definition with it, as I don't have any much musical background (I studied solfege as a kid, but that's all there is to it).

Thanks in advance for any replies !

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Ain't this made with GarageBand?

Aside from not all sounds fitting well together, and lots of it sounding pretty stiff, it's not bad. As a first try, this is pretty good.

This could turn out kind'a good, if you'd move stuff around and try them out with other instruments. Whether you actually play an instrument is irrelevant, you play sequencer now. :P Learn to use it and make good music with it. OCR is more a re-arrangement community than a remix one, so stuff being interpreted is something of a requirement.

Some pointers:

The bass needs more bass, use the EQ but don't overdo it.

The trumpet is terrible. Not just as sampled, but as sequenced. Give it more life, vary the velocity, screw up timing slightly, stuff like that. I recall GB having a volume-like automation: pressure, velocity, or something, in the menu with modulation and sustain next to the sequenced notes. Learn to use that. Listen to real trumpets and other brass, and woodwinds as well - copy that!

00:48 needs more punch and more crash. Try out other drums. You know you've got five octaves of drums, you've used some of the upper ones. Try other drums for the 00:48 part.

Set volume/velocity. The shaker is way too loud (and every note is the same, vary velocity).

0:58, the guitar - vary velocity. Really.

Good luck remixing!

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