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I've been using EWQLSO Silver inside FL Studio with the Kompakt plugin for a little over a month now. In general, it works great, but i've hit a few issues that I can't seem to figure out (though I can work around them usually):

-Instruments cutting out suddenly for no explicable reason, then suddenly cutting back in. For example, I have a song where I'm using some tremolo violins playing a two and a half measure sustained note. After one measure, they just cut out. Then, they'll cut back in for the last two beats before the next note comes in. This happens regardless of CPU load, playing either pattern or playlist (except, they cut out even longer when playing pattern)

-When switching to a new sample in the Kontakt player, sometimes the instrument won't play initially when clicking on the piano preview keys. If you click play or stop on fl studio, though, it will suddenly play all the notes you just hit on the piano keys. It will also cause the instrument to start working properly again.

There are some others, but I can't think of them at the moment. Has anyone else run into similar problems with any of this stuff? Is it how it integrates with FL Studio? Is it just Kompakt being buggy? So far, I've hardly messed with the settings in Kompakt itself, because most of what I need to do can be done in my DAW instead - in other words, I'm not really wanting to upgrade to a different player when I won't really use the features.


Did you apply updates to everything? I had a weird bug with EWQLSO Silver with Sonar 2.2 (yep, I still use that old warhorse, though Sonar 7 has intrigued me) where MIDI OFF events were completely whacked. EWQLSO Silver would process them later than what was in Sonar. After applying the update, it works perfectly now. See if updating works if you haven't tried that yet.

It's a problem with EWQLSO disk streaming. Make sure "Rendering Mode Notify" is checked on all your Kompakt instruments in the FL wrapper. Also, try to increase the size of your DFD buffers. How much RAM do you have?

Ok, turned on Rendering Mod Notify, but it doesn't seem to make a difference - the notes still cutoff mid-note. I did try rendering the pattern with RMN both on and off, but it rendered properly either way. I'm just hoping I can get it to play correctly within FL so I can hear it as I'm composing.

Do you mean Direct Sound buffers? Or is there something else that controls this? I'm not familiar with anything to change DFD buffers. Uppling Direct Sound buffers didn't seem to make a difference.

2 GB of ram on a 'relatively' new dual core laptop.

Did you apply updates to everything? I had a weird bug with EWQLSO Silver with Sonar 2.2 (yep, I still use that old warhorse, though Sonar 7 has intrigued me) where MIDI OFF events were completely whacked. EWQLSO Silver would process them later than what was in Sonar. After applying the update, it works perfectly now. See if updating works if you haven't tried that yet.

Updating the actual Kompakt program or what? I just got this, so I'd like to assume it's up to date, but I guess you never know.

EDIT: Ok, so I see in the instructions file that it says to go to the DFD options menu, but I can't seem to find it. the DFD button is kind of greyed out and the options button takes me only to general options. Still trying to figure it out...


Ok, Kompakt updated, DFD extenstion now installed. Still getting this problem, but it's only with this specific project. If I open a new project, open the same patch, then play the note, it doesn't get "stuck". I guess it could be the amount of different samples open right now.

I'm not even sure now DFD was on before installing this extension. Having DFD either on or off makes no difference with this problem, though.

Ok, check this out, just loaded the same patch on a different slot (8 instead of 5) and it works fine. I even reloaded the sample on slot 5 and tried that one again and it SITLL has the problem. I guess I'm just going to use this alternate slot instead, since it seems to be working.

Go figure. Thanks guys.


I have the problem where the audio cuts out. I'm actually pretty sure that its the RAM load on the computer. It only happens to me if there is a lot of STREAMED audio, not necessarily the CPU load (from synths and such). If that isn't the problem, then someone could definitely save me a LOT of time and effort by telling me what is wrong.


Nutritious you probably need to simply reload all the samples now that you have DFD installed. It's not that one slot works and one doesn't.

Hy Bound; it's a RAM/disk streaming issue, yes. Computers choke when they stream from the disk too much (high poly). More RAM = more DFD buffer.

Nutritious you probably need to simply reload all the samples now that you have DFD installed. It's not that one slot works and one doesn't.

Yeah, I was wondering about that. I tried reloading that one specific sample and couldn't get it to work, but I guess if I reload all of them, it'll probably work. Anyway, I probably won't on this song because it's basically complete at this point. Hopefully, this will prevent it from happening again in the future.

Thanks for your help.


It's recommended to go to DFD options and select Expert, then increase the number of voices from 64 to max (256). It may take a bit more memory to load the VST but it might help. Otherwise the entire instance of the VST can only play 64 voices in total, and I've had that issues before.

Hope that helps. You can always increase the sample load buffers to avoid dropouts and stuff, if you have enough memory.


Well more RAM always helps but it may not be the complete solution.

I have a quad-CPU machine with 8GB of RAM and 15krpm SCSI sample drives (running XP 64-bit) - and I've still experienced dropout issues with Kontakt/Kompakt stuff even at very low polyphony. Not as easily, of course, but it still happens. I think the DFD engine is simply not as solid as it should be.

I don't like the idea of upgrading to PLAY, but if it solves the DFD issues then I might consider.


Now that's odd. You have one killer of a rig in terms of hardware and are still having problems. That has to be software related. PLAY looked interesting, but doesn't it require the use of a USB dongle that must always be plugged in? If so, I'll skip it. I never was a fan of dongles, especially since I do use all my USB ports for other tasks.


Unfortunately the future of sample libraries and virtual instruments is hardware copy protection. People will have very little alternatives, and the ability to convert between sample formats will become more limited as this is the case.

If you just gotta have that "hot new sample library," you'll have to buy into dongles.

That being said, there are a large variety of great libraries that employ no protection at all.

The big annoyance is with East West's decision to upgrade to their Play engine which requires not only purchasing a USB dongle for every computer you install it on (which coincidentally converts your license from a Kompakt license to a Play license), but an additional $50 fee per computer that you wish to also have the privilege of using the original Kompakt license you bought.

In my case, I would have to shell out $500+ just to use the sample libraries I already own with the Play engine.

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