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- 8 Bit Instrumental

- 8bitvgm@gmail.com

- www.8bitvgm.net

Name of individual song arranged : A5 B24 C135 D45 E2 (Password Theme)

Additional information

Composer: Manami Ietel (Manami Matsumae), Ogeretsu Kun, e Yuukichan's Papa (Yoshihiro Sakaguchi)

System: NES


This song is a part of a full length album that we released on January 2008. So many people say that the name of the band shouldn't be 8 Bit Instrumental because we play a lot of the 16 bit games, but I think this doesn't matter so much because the name it a reference to the old age games that inspired us doing this songs. But anyway this song reflects what the band should sound like if we wanted to justify the name, this is a arrangement from the Password Theme from Mega Man 2 and we kind of make a joke and us the password to the Dr. Wily stages as a name for this song, in this we use some chiptune sounds and other synth sounds, and at the end of the song has a melody that reminds the Wily stages theme. So we hope everyone like this and check out the other songs from the Mega Man 2 album.


=x= 8 Bit Instrumental =x=

Myspace: www.myspace.com/8bitvgm




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I could be missing something, but there's only 3 channels worth checking out: Square 1 (main melody), Square 2 (harmony), Triangle (countermelody). If you can find usage that I'm not picking up, by all means...

http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman2.zip - Track 14

Man, I really don't see how a viable arrangement could be made out of this source tune, so we'll see where it goes.

Theme finally kicked in overtly from 1:15-1:41, pretty late in the game. More of the theme from 2:07-2:33. That was about it. Really could have used a lot more usage of the source melody, with the Password theme being used for more than 50% of the track. What's mostly here are original composition ideas that have a similar style to the Password Screen (and Mega Man in general), but aren't arranging that theme.

That being said, you got a good deal of mileage out of what you did use of the theme with your minimalistic take on it. There could have been several more variations of the theme to use it more throughout the track. As is though, this was too liberal an interpretation without enough of the actual Password theme involved. Looking forward to your next submission, guys, but this one isn't using enough of the original theme.



Very cool track. The synths fit in well with the track; 0:31-0:56 especially is dreamy. Nice little guitar solo in the middle that takes it easy. The rhythmic shift and new synths at 2:34 add some nice punch.

Unfortunately, as far as the arrangement goes, Liontamer's right on the money, I'm afraid. There's just way too little of the password entry theme in this mix and way too much original stuff. It's a keeper overall, but just not for here.



Haha, I dig the track name.

I thought for a second that the riff that starts at 0:31 was from the ending theme and you guys had just forgotten to list it in your e-mail. But upon checking it out, it's not the same; just a similar-sounding riff. Larry and 'Ili pretty much have this one covered. Very liberal, and even the parts that use the source material don't use it as overtly as I'd like.

I thought the arrangement was pretty cool though, especially that guitar solo at 1:42. Interesting, unusual textures for a rock song. Production a little sloppy and hazy, but fine enough. I'll probably hold on to this one. I'd love for you guys to submit something that sticks a little closer to the original song, like your Top Gear medley did.


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