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Here I go.

GAME: Secret Of Mana

TITLE: WinterVibes

MY NAME: Orb Of Fish


I thought this one was clean enough to submit. 'Hope

you can find time to consider it.

My brother feels I bastardized the original song with

my grainy erratic drum loops. As an aspiring junglist,

I cannot resist adding frenetic drum loops to even the

most peaceful of tunes.


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I firmly believe that the author's brother is right when he says that he bastardized the original song with grainy, erratic drum-loops. The drums feel out of place for this style, and the author could have done a better job mastering. Some parts are simply just too quiet. Particularly the main melody in the... backround.



I am a lover of jungle.

*Trying hard to stay objective*

The drop came waaay to late and I was waiting for some really hectic stuff and that just didn't happen.

A lot of the drum samples didn't really fit jungle. The song could have been mixed a little better as well, some instruments were too quiet. This could have been pulled off really well, give it another go.



1. Really bad quality encoding. This sounds like 64kbps reencoded at 128kbps. Guess what, reencoding at higher bitrate will do nothing for your song. It will just tee off other people who use dialup and need to download a larger file ^^

I would say the drums are nice, but they clipp too much.

There is no make up on the melody cause its simple and doesnt even seem to fit with the drums.

Next time, higher quality encoding, more melody, and dont clip.


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