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I wanted to know how to do this effect on a percussive (or perhaps bass) sound.

I think it is called gain pumping. The initial attack is loud and then the sound gets loud again before fading away. It sort of sounds like an open hi hat being hit then closed.

Here's my guess on how to do it ~~

Use a compressor with some attack time and a threshold that is triggered by the initial sound. Use a short release time so the compressor turns off again.

Here is my problem when trying to do that ~~

I tried it and it didn't work... lol. I also tried using a compressor with a 0.4:1 ratio (expands the dynamic range) with a slow attack time (tried everything from 100ms to 400ms) to make it louder after it breaks the threshold. I thought this should have worked , but maybe I set it up wrong. I am using the FL studio compressor. I set the threshold to -15dB (The snare I was working with peaked at -8dB) Then I set the ratio to 0.4:1 and the attack time various times from 100-400ms. The release was at 600ms.

It seems like that should have worked. Maybe 0.4 isn't enough to pump the volume.

Or maybe there is another way to do this. Which brings me to my original question: how to do this effect. I know it's easy to do because I hear it everywhere, but I can't figure it out.

THXTHX - max


I have never heard of an effect called "gain pumping". You would most likely achieve this through gating., which it sounds like you tried, but perhaps you need another plugin. The gate needs to cut down on the sound after the initial attack and then release fairly quickly, so you're left with the tail of the sound. Having a big reverb tail in the initial recording helps.

just use sidechain compression to gate. Works for me :P

i.e. A compressor.

Basically hook up a compressor to whatever you want to gate. Side chain like a kick or something in to that compressor. So whenever the kick plays, the instrument attached to the compressor will compress and decrease in volume of your choosing.

You can do this and program a kick say every 2nd 16th note, this will cause gating essencially.

If you dont know how to side chain in FL, I can answer that as I use Reason.

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