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Artist: Kilu

email: kilu_mah@hotmail.com


Game: Ninja Gaiden

Name: The Mask

Original Composers: More Yamasan and B. Hasake

Company: Tecmo Ltd.

"Orchestral rearrangement of The Masked Devil music. Short piece with

mindblowing melody. In my opinion, this is most likely the best orchestrated

music I have so far rearranged. Only thing that bothers me is the end. Cuz

there practically is none. So it could be better, but I had been doing this

for almost whole evening and it was kinda late when I finished it, and I had

no more inspiration left to invent better ending. So it will have to do.

Don't hate it as much as I do.

Overall, I think this piece is nice, and all "orchestral" music lovers

should check it out... and give couple comments as well :D

Of course, it's nowhere near Russells stuff. Bare that in mind...

On side note; This game was called "Shadow Warrior" in Europe, and most

likely in US as well."

The mp3 has OCR tag, and is about 2 megs.

XM is tested with ModPlug and XMPlay. Effects work most likely with ModPlug

only. Size is about 2 megs.

And as usual, no direct link, just download the damn piece from the URL

below :D


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Orchestral? With that fat delay on the piano? Are you sure?

1.33 Some next insrument takes over from the piano part. Can't tell what it is, because of the delay (violin?), but that wasn't too smooth.

Ending was like, what? I literally squeaked "What?!"


So it will have to do.
damn piece

No comment.


Piano part is nothing special... sounds nice, but it doesn't go anywhere. Until... holy god, is that violin out of tune!!!!! *cringes*

And yeah, the ending bugged me. A lot.

So it could be better, but I had been doing this

for almost whole evening and it was kinda late when I finished it, and I had

no more inspiration left to invent better ending.

This explains what's wrong with the piece. You can't seriously hope to finish a good piece of music in an entire evening. Save it (assuming your program can, and if it can't, go out and buy the commercial version of whatever you use!!!) Let it sit for a couple hours at least, preferably a couple of days. Come back to it with fresh ears, and you'll probably get some ideas that you can add to it, not to mention pick up on things that you could improve.

Now that that's brought up, I honestly wonder how many people really do try to finish their music in one evening....


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