m68030 Posted February 26, 2003 Posted February 26, 2003 I considered this to have fallen through as far back as Christmas, but I forgot Steve had asked me about it. So this is uber old. From the ID3V2: The title is a response to the Wingless' excellent "There Was a Hole Here" remix. In the game there is a place that says "There was a hole here", later when you return the message is replaced in blood by "But now it's gone" or words close to that effect. Steve does a neat job with the theme here, though given the context in the game I do hate hearing it treated so rash. Reminds me of Tool's Sober a little, but too noisy. Still a neat mix, despite my personal reservations about doing anything with this song. YES
orkybash Posted February 27, 2003 Posted February 27, 2003 Well, I haven't heard it in context, so this sounds all good to me! Coulda gone with a little more bass, but I like the way this is put together overall so I'll forgive that. YES
Digital Coma Posted February 27, 2003 Posted February 27, 2003 The plucked and distorted guitars complement each other well to meld into a panic-driven, caustic, wailing wreck that Silent Hill so distinctively emotes. The guttural bass line hammers the feel further, and the drum work is noticeable enough to push the piece along during the softer sections, but not so striking as to be overpowering. The ID3 comments say this is remastered, and that's certainly apparent. A very nice play on the original. YES
Malcos Posted February 28, 2003 Posted February 28, 2003 There's something about the way this song was done. Thats it - the expression. Very organic, well played and well put together. YES
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