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Alright today started the beta testing for the new Metal Gear Online for PS3. I got my ticket to this download from my preorder at Ebgames. Unfortunately for me however, at the Konami ID registration page it wont accept any Game ID I put in. Anyone else have this problem?

Well if anyone has tried the beta yet how was the first public, or at least semi-public test of the Metal Gear Solid 4 world?


the beta has been up for a while.

Having fun, although it's a bit laggy atm. :)

Now that I can really mess around inside the game I absolutely love the movements and abilities you can do. At first the controls are a little intimidating but pretty soon it's natural. Very cool. Metal Gear Online is fun, but it only reinforces the fact that MGS4 will be amazing. The controls feel good, and in a single player setting with AI doing interesting things it will be even better.

Very happy to play with the MGS4 engine. :)

AND I can't believe playing dead and hiding in boxes actually works. I played dead earlier, and a group of enemies just walked past me, I flipped over and shot them from lying on my back. it was awesome. ^_^


SNEAKING MODE has been activated online for a while now! You can play as Snake and play with the OctoCamo. Wow, it works so well... The new (3rd) map is fantastic too, it really forces team squad based tactics.

Now I just wish I would get selected to play as the Metal Gear MkII. lol. So funny seeing that thing running around the battle field. haha.



Damn, I love this game. I don't even have a ps3.

in fact, I'm usually against all things ps3, but this games is awesome.

Gotta love the sniping game!

Dreben points is also refreshing for a Halo Fan!

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