djpretzel Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 Hello dj pretzel- I sent in a submission a couple of months back, but never heard anything back or saw my submission on OCR. I then realized that during the intervening time, I had somehow allowed the page on my site containing the link to the mp3 to get all screwy. So, I have now fixed the problem, and humbly ask you to take a listen to "Ultramarine", a remix of a theme from Bionic Commando for the NES. I have other remixes on deck as well, but I thought I'd submit this'un first and kind of test the waters. Anyhoo, here's the appropriate link: Later, and thanks a bunch for running such a quality site. -Justin
Digital Coma Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 At its best, it's got a kickin' feel, but the rest falls short. The intro-ing plucked strings have some odd delay feedback going on with a follow up drum line that smothers the lead with a beat that doesn't coincide. A little later (~ 0:52) the mix's groove potential comes through with the flute and smooth drum work, but unfortunately doesn't last long as some stiff, plastic choral pads blare until 1:48, after which enter distracting panned snaps that sound like they're clipping, melodic repetition, and a mediocre ending. I can see the lotus in the mud, but it needs some work to blossom into something neat. NO
Beatdrop Posted March 17, 2003 Posted March 17, 2003 Hmmmmm... this is a toughie. It's actually enjoyable to some extent, but there's a LOT of reverb, and that makes some of the sounds a bit hard to hear. The arrangement isn't that hot, and could use some work to make it more interesting, but there were aspects I really enjoyed about it all, such as the break at about 1:49. The drums do seem to have a rather strong tone to them that clashes with everything else a bit, but I don't think that really hurts anything too much. The ending was... non-existent. It just kind of died really abruptly. I wasn't too satisified with that, suffice to say. Lighten the reverb, try to mix things a bit better (leads take priority over all else), cook up an ending, and I'd say yes, but until that happens NO
analoq Posted March 18, 2003 Posted March 18, 2003 The overdriven drum loop is cool. but... Digital Coma aready pointed out the real problem with this mix, the delay effect... I know a lot of the music in the game had odd syncropated rhythms on various parts and the delay feedback mimicks that... but it sounds too cluttered. Also there's some rather lacking instrumentation, just some synthetic plucks and some strings here and there... neither of which are interesting or unique sounds at all. no
Malcos Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 I'm not sure that the distorted drum loop works with the other, much cleaner elements. This mix has a lot of reverb, and rather than being the hall type of reverb, it's more like a small room reverb - too much of that and everything sounds messy, not to mention the delay on everything. And what's that clicky panning sound near the end? NO
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