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Hey everyone. I'm not new to OCREMIX by any means but am new to the forums as of today. I do some mixing on my own time, not lots, but some. I have been working on this for the last couple of days and wanted to get some feedback on.

The track is cossack 2 from Megaman 4, and its a techno remix of sorts. The song is not complete, but the composition is getting close. This version embodies the basic idea of what I would like to do with the track, enough to get a good idea. There are some changes that need to be made, I have only spent 5 minutes on the eq and haven't done much by way of effects yet other than some reverb.

In short, there are some obvious changes that need to be made to make this a tight mix and a smooth composition, but for now I am looking for any constructive criticism some more experienced people would be willing to offer. This is maybe my 4th serious mix, so I am somewhat new to this. Let me know if you like where this is going and what I should do to get it there.

I am using FL studio 7 if it makes a difference.

Thanks all! Here is the link


  • 1 month later...

I really like the original, so I feel compelled to comment. Here's what I've got, after one listen:

--the piano is weak. Get better samples and throw in some reverb. Also, read zircon's guide for working with real instruments.

--there's a few places where there's only one instrument playing. It sounds empty. Throw in a low sustained sound (e.g. strings). I used to make this exact mistake.

--on the whole, you've got some good ideas, but the piece is a bit repetitive. I don't think there's enough here to make a 6 minute piece.

Keep at it :)


Too often this sounds really really really empty. Especially at the start, but even after that. Fill that soundscape up.

Also that piano is really soft? And kinda tough to hear, as a result.

and that hi hat sample is really grating, probably because it's louder than the instruments.

So the two main issues that I'm finding are emptiness, and volume. To solve the emptiness, try writing in a bassline, perhaps, to start. You definitely need more instruments to fill up the soundscape, but mostly the bass. Right now the only thing in the bass is the "bow bow bow bow bow bow bow" drum thing.

And for the volume, lower the drums juuuuust a tad. Especially the hihat. And get a louder piano, definitely.

Arrangement wise, I'm not seeing too much of a problem. It's relatively easy to pick out the source and you use it in a nifty way. It's good stuffs.

Good luck with this!


The beat on the intro seems off. I get what youre trying to do but regardless of style it seems to be out of sync with the piano.

The song desperately needs a bassline, thats why it feels empty as there's no lowend fill.


I'm quite a fan of the synths you used, however in the very beginning, before the beat comes into play, the one hard synth doesn't quite sound right. I like the melody the way it is, but it threw my sense of rhythm off enough to bother me, so I'd maybe suggest only playing that pattern while your beat is also playing. It was already said before, but, I would suggest getting a better piano sample and adding more reverb to it, and also filling in the empty space you have in there perhaps with pads or strings. Also, it sounds like you're using a cheap clap sound, but it may be fixed by EQing it a little.

If you don't mind me asking, would you share the flp? I'd like to collaborate, and since I like this song and this version of it, I'd like to be a part of it. You'll probably want to send me a zipped package though, because I mostly just use 3xosc, so I don't have very many VSTi's. Crystal and Vangaurd are the only good ones I have, but I've got a hell of a library of Soundfonts, including a great piano. ;)

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