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*NO* Legend of Zelda 'Unwind (Spring Trance 2003)'

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*sigh* Orchestral Trance. *shakes head*

Erm, and isn't this song from Zelda III? I don't remember it in the first Zelda...

I think the nearly two minute intro could have been shortened quite a bit... things pick up way too gradually. By shortening all the beginning stuff, you could turn this SIX minute remix into a four or so minute remix, which is much more befitting of trance of this style.

Do I hear FL 3xOsc presets? Hmmm...

The arrangement is interesting, but it doesn't really seem to go anywhere at all. The way it is, it basically reminds me of one of those cheesy trance remixes of some aged classical work. I'm not too fond of those at all, to say the least... It's also pretty damn repetitive.

The sounds aren't bad. They're crisp, at least. But they don't seem to have very much thickness to them. In fact, it seems like most of the warmth is coming from the copious amount of reverb thrown on the orchestral elements.

And I'm sorry, but those drums are so remarkably clichè. Not only are they all TR-909 samples, but they're also rhythmically arranged in a way that really doesn't add anything new to the trance style as far as drums are concerned.



I see why this came to the panel. It's a tough call. Good instrumentation, overall nice effort, but a liiiiiiiiiittle drab. I think the main problem is the length of this piece. It's 5:58! And the Lost Woods theme is awfully short to stretch out for 6 minutes.


Okay, one more listen...

It's okay, but it's so damn long. I'm gonna say no. I woulda said yes, but you need to PLEEEEESE trim a good two minutes from this. My advice: cut a couple minutes and resubmit. More than likely you'd get posted. You've got many of the same parts repeated over and over. It gets redundant. Perhaps you could bring in the beatdrop earlier. That'd shave about 20 seconds or so. The elec. piano that comes in around 2:12 could come in with it. That'd save you some time.

The main thing here is consistancy. Does the listener get bored with this mix? In this case yes. That's what's killing you. Everything else is fine.

2:30-2:48 could be cut. 3:10-3:42 could be cut or could replace an earlier instance elsewhere. 4:48-5:30 could go completely. I hope this helps.



ok I'm noticing a trend here. And at first it was ok, because like, it was original, but now it's like, they're all like this. it's definitely a ryu7x mix, because it's got his style:

lead up to the tune, but give about 2 minutes before we hear anything recognizeable, though hint at the melody using the chord progression and other elements, until finally the melody comes in. It's... very repetitive, and the development is WAY too slow and drawn out. It's one of the things I used to not like about the trance genre (still don't) that they would take forever to get to the point.

Ah well, that and there's not much original material here, just the notes from the original, plus drums. I'll admit it sounds cool at times, but it's too... drab, methinks, in its current form, and too copied.




This is extremely repetitive, the intro was too long, and the same parts just keep repeating again and again. That drum beat has also been done many times over.

The synths are nice, and filters have been applied to some to try and keep the listeners interest. However, the mix is far too long and unchanging to avoid boredom.


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