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Hmmm... this is a tough call.

The drums sound like they were recorded live. Cool. My only problem with them is that they're EQed rather thin.

Guitar sounds nice, I could swear it's real, but the notes are dead on which means to me that it was either programmed or played by a guitar god... or a person with a quantize function built into their hands.

The arrangement sounds pretty damn close to the original, but some of the dynamic aspects like the changes where the drums come in and then again where the strings come in. It helps to build up nicely. I did think it was a bit repetitive though, despite this.

However, there were some mixing issues (not major) that kind of made the entire thing turn out a bit raw sounding. The guitar, if that's what it really is, could probably be a bit wider as far as stereo is concerned, and it could also be a tad louder. The drums get drowned out a little a couple times, but not too bad. They just sort of lose their footing at times.

Anyhow, I'm going to have to say


on this one. It's not too bad, but not quite up to par, I think...


This mix is kinda thin sounding, it sounds like the bass frequencies have been rolled off or something. The guitar sounds good, but I'm not sure if it's played live or not, the timing is a little too precise.

I can't really say much about this one, because there is nothing that jumps out as being really bad about it, but at the same time, nothing is really good about it either.

I'm gonna go with my gut and say



Cool feel, unfortunately all I see here is potential, not results. Malcos mentioned the lack of bass in the guitars, which leaves them unattractively shallow. The drumline is sort of shelved under the leads, and the counter-melody doesn't get as much attention as it should have. The sleigh-bells seem to have been throw in arbitrarily. Overall, the instrumentation has little depth and the arrangement is uninspiring; the mix doesn't go very far, and the entire product actually sounds like an outro to something greater.



the drums sound good. if you did them without the use of pirated samples... then good job.

guitars are very fake. is this a roland jv/xv synth I hear? The lead especially needs some EQ attention, it cuts through too hard, it hurts my ears. Ouch.

after listening to the original, i feel this mix is only enjoyable because the original theme is so enjoyable. as in, there's not a lot added to it, it follows it closely but with different instrumentation, drums, some strings and a faster tempo.

you can do better than that... right?


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