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thanks for the opinions

im sad you guys didnt notice some of the coolest characteristics of the song, the mix itself, and maybe didnt apreciate propperly the complexity of the solo. maybe you attribute more value to other proprieties. I didnt change it much, because i made as a "what if sega re-released the game with better graphics" kind of thing (just as they did with the new fan-made version "streets of rage"), and that was my sole intention, with a little personalization.

SlimToad said the "execution wasnt bad". Maybe he has really high standarts. I must disagree though. i dont want to sound conceited, but musically, i'm very proud of it. (meaning i think it sounds kick-ass lol)

But then again, this is a remix forum, so i understand your criteria.

Thank you again


Well, this brings back memories. It surely reminds me of the original. Maybe a little too much. I don't think doing a solo towards the end will count as enough originality for this community.

I like it, though. I wish I could download it and save on my computer, like I would be able to do if you used any of the other commonly used file hosting sites.

A lot of it felt real chip-tune-ish. In fact, one of the reasons I was reminded of the original piece was because you didn't really try to make the instruments NOT sound like they did in the original. Maybe that's one reason I liked it, but it doesn't meet the standards here.


I think the execution isn't bad, but the above poster's right, this is the original song, albeit slightly modified. Your solo is nice, but it should definitely come sooner, and as a result you should flush out parts that come after it, like a bridge, or a change in moods.


Ok, so first of all, this song is a pretty b*tchin' start to a WIP. I like your ideas, I just think you need to give yourself a little more frredom to work.

My suggestions, replace the first repetition from (1:04) to (1:37) with a little more of a variant melody, maybe some swing beats every now and then, and a lot of harmony. You might want to put a third, shorter repetition between this section and the solo with a few of the instruments taken out to build suspense for that balls-awesome solo. Personally, I'd actually extend the solo section a little more, but that's 'cause I want to hear more of it. ^_^ After that, one more repetition of the melody should do it as long as you keep things high energy.

Keep going, though. Definitely a really good start. Well done.


thanks for the opinions

im sad you guys didnt notice some of the coolest characteristics of the song, the mix itself, and maybe didnt apreciate propperly the complexity of the solo. maybe you attribute more value to other proprieties. I didnt change it much, because i made as a "what if sega re-released the game with better graphics" kind of thing (just as they did with the new fan-made version "streets of rage"), and that was my sole intention, with a little personalization.

But then again, this is a remix forum, so i understand your criteria.

Thank you again


Oh, trust me, I'm sure I speak for all the listeners when I say we FULLY appreciate that solo; that's why we didn't dwell on it too much, because it's already so very awesome. lol. I have to say, I really liked the bass line. I'm learning to play bass (one of my friends is teaching me), and I thought that it would make a really fun bass line to play, maybe with a few rock variations that aren't like the dance-style variations I heard in your mix. Honestly, the lower tones were what I thought stood out the most as distinct from the original; it's those lower tones that give the source tune the feel that it does, and by altering those lower tones you give the entire piece a new direction, which is exactly what I heard. Of course, you're right: this being a ReMix website, I'm sure we were all jonesing for some more variation throughout, but I still really liked what you did with the piece (so far; please keep going ^_^).


the solo was awesome. I only listened to this once, but i believe a short part of the solo caught me by surprise (it was a short phrase/riff from the opening title I think)

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