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Game music experts! Need your help!


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A few days ago this amazing song came by on television, I was only able to record a small piece of it. I've been searching the Internet, but I can't find it's title, album or the game it was originally created for...

I've uploaded the file (only 1.29 MB to download): http://users.fulladsl.be/spb31617/unknown.mp3

Does anyone have an idea where this song comes from (sorry for being a noob) :oops:

All hints are greatly appreciated!


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The song was used as background music on a Dutch television station in a show where some computer games were reviewed. Most of the reviewed games had their own theme or in-game music as background, but this one was used when reviewing Final Fantasy (can't remember which one exactly). So I downloaded all Final Fantasy soundtracks I could find but the song wasn't part of any :|.

And so I hoped it was used as soundtrack in another game, and you guys would know which one :-P.

By the way thanks already for spending time on my 'problem'. Greatly appreciated!

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