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I thought about that actually, so I slowed it down a bit before uploading it, it used to be faster! Also, I figure that not too many epileptics would be on a VIDEO GAME remixing site, so I think we're safe.



Thanks to the now infamous hypnotic voting banner, a winner has been choosen.

Congrat for........Zephyr tread

With 4 votes, Zephyr tread won with 3 against one.

Keep up the good work everyone, and see ya next month.

Zephyr don't forget to sent me an original midi before the end of the month.


Will do Chief!

I've never made just a midi before, so I'm figuring it all out. Making a percussion track threw me off for a little bit, but I looked back at other people's midis. For some reason every midi that I export the volume is freakishly low, I'll get to that later, I might have a few questions for you yet about midi making.

Zephyr don't forget to send me your song asap. :)
Yup, I'm still working on it, I'll need this weekend to finish it up, I'll try to get it in by Monday if that's not too late.

Thanks Gileece, Song's done and sent in, hope everyone participates this next round!

Anyone know of a good hosting site for midi's (yes I know this gets asked a lot)? I use tindeck, but they don't take midi's. I had to use private hosting.

Also, since it worked last time:



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