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So I made this. I have no intention of submitting it to OCR, but was excited for MGS4 and wanted to make a Metal Gear remix before the game comes out.

It's a trance remix that has a little piano action going on. I wanted it to have more of a grooving feeling thus there is a little semi-electronic-piano-solo thing that shows up, err, you'll hear it. Not traditional trance really, but was fun to make none the less.


It's the main theme that everyone knows and loves from MGS and MGS2 (and the end of MGS3... probably MGS4 [spoiler, no spoiling!... yes that was a Dora the Explorer reference]).

blah! Anyway, made it for fun. :) Hope you dig. :)


Strike, can I ask you a serious question? ...good.

Why on God's green EARTH were you not intending on submitting this piece?! That is incredibly bitchin' non-traditional trance, my friend. Well done, sir. Well done. My ears are pleased.

EDIT: I just thought of something; now that I'm downloading this piece for iPod listening pleasure, I need to properly tag this baby. You mind me asking what you call this lovely beat-o-thon?


Wow o.o I can't believe you are not gonna submit this, it's awfully good! this mix is a great piece, I like the rythm and everything of it. It was really good, but 2:00-2:04 when Snake talks, I think it got perfect.


I don't listen too much trance, but wouldn't mind hearing this at parties. Yay to trance for dancing.

Though I think you should shorten it a bit and/or put in some more chord variations before the Judges say YES to this. But overall quality is really good. But if you're planning to let this used by DJ's at parties, then I don't think you'll have to put in any changes ^^.


Dude, sweet jesus. Seriously. You should submit this. I felt like sneak-dancing, or maybe CQC-raving, the whole damn time. That piano thing you got goin' on in there, I dig it hard. The beat and background sounds are also super nice. IMO, anyways. Saved for personal reference. =D

DJ Metal


Wow, this would definitely get a YES from me and I'd say I'm about as harsh on trance mixes as the Judges. Even with the obvious cliche leads and everything I would give this one a YES right in it's face. The way you bring all the trance staples in without going into the super-repetitive nature of it is great; it always feels like its moving and not playing the same exact riff ever. Great job !

Give it a slight once-over on the ol' production scooter; beef up the stabs a tad, give the bass a very slight beefing up in the higher-frequencies, maybe layer a higher, more distorted synth on top of the trancey arpeggios to give it slightly more drive and this will be incredibly solid, or should I say liquid *wink wink*.


Thanks guys.

Yeah, those trance chord hits are really overdone sometimes. I think they work better as a background element than a prominent synth for a melody or something. That's just me though. They're just a little too... there. lol.

Yeah, I may shorten it a little bit; it definitely could use some polish. But thanks, I may actually submit a newer iteration of this then! lol.

I have no intention of submitting it to OCR

I rarely enjoy non-Mega Man trance mixes, but this was excellent. Gets a bit repetitive, but otherwise, I don't have a single credible complaint about this. I hope my comment and the others have swayed you toward submitting. Magnificent job!

I may actually submit a newer iteration of this!

Change that to I will submit a newer iteration of this!


One other thing: you may be able to integrate a bit of the MGS3 version of the theme into this to flesh it out a bit. If you have the original song, the part I'm referencing is 1:04-1:41. Just a suggestion! With or without that piece, great work.

  • 2 weeks later...

lol. Thanks. I'll take a look at the MGS3 stuff... although, I have a bad habit of mixing too many Metal Gear tracks together in general!! There so much fantastic music I just can't pick usually. I made a Megamix track years ago, and I just can't stop lately. lol.

Hmm... well, now I need to get to refining it. I think it is a tad too long.

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