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Remixer Handle : Kepler

Remixer Name : Stian Vik Saunes

contact info :

mail: athr0x@spray.no

Arranged Game : Chrono Trigger (SNES)

Arranged Song : Schala's theme

Original by Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda

Project created in FL Studio 8


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Schala's Theme" (ct-306.spc)

Cool first submission. Seems like there's a bit too much of a lo-fi tinge to the sound quality. It might be purposeful, but it ends up sounding lossy in a bad way.

I loved the SID-style/chip-style textures here. Nonetheless, the "Schala" melody should have been interpreted more substantially. There were some minor changes, and the personalization with the supporting writing was evident. But you've got to develop the arrangement of the melody more. The introduction started things off hot, but then you settled into a comfort zone in second gear and never moved out of it.

Right now, the track doesn't break 3 minutes and the arrangement basically retreaded at 1:44 and went for a fadeout ending at 2:36 instead of doing anything substantively new with the theme for the second half. If you can extend the creativity of this track more into the interpretation side, you'd be gold. Do more with the melody and dynamics to keep this fresh instead of rehashing things so early. Right now, this is too underdeveloped. Definitely resubmit this one, Stian.

NO (resubmit)


Wow, sylistically this is freakin awesome; five kinds of Tuesday. Parts like the bits of silence at 1.44 or the gliss at 0:41 are very cool, and the sound choices worked together, even if they were pretty lossy. I think overall the lo-fi feel was overdone though, as none of the sounds have any of that high frequency brightness you would expect from chiptunes. Get those highs back in there and I bet this will come to life.

As Larry pointed out, the arrangement is to short and then just repeated. Pretty much the only difference I can hear between the first half and 1:44 onwards is the addition of some bell sounds, which isn't great when there isn't too much re-arrangement to begin with. I'd suggest re-writing from 1:44 with a whole new set of ideas in a much more liberal arrangement, or some original stuff based off the chord progression.

Definately resub this, its kickin'.

NO Resub plz


Definitely a cool first sub. I liked the effects on the instruments and the overall mood was chill. Sweet bass. I would have liked to see you mess with the melody more rather than just changing the backing parts. You did have some cool runs on the lead, and more in that vein would be nice to hear. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing more change in texture - perhaps a break with some new instruments or more detail in the parts. The song felt a little static. The fadeout was an easy way to end it, and I thought it wasn't used that smoothly here.

I agree that it was too lo-fi. I tend to think lo-fi instruments work best paired with high-quality ones for contrast. Otherwise, it can sound cheap. Maybe consider keeping the drums lo-fi while making the synths shine a little more.

Hope you come back to this one, Stian, I can really imagine it becoming something great.

NO (resubmit)

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