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insert/delete space doesn't shift all automation

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If I'm working in Piano Roll and I want to shift a portion of my song forward or back, I can highlight a few bars and click Ctrl-Insert/Delete. This works ... but it doesn't move all the automation forward/back -- it only moves the automation that is currently showing. For example, say I have automation for Channel Volume and Channel Panning. If the Volume is currently showing when I click Ctrl-Insert/Delete, then only the Volume automation gets shifted -- and not the Panning. Is it possible to get all the automation to shift?

On a related point -- is it possible to shift an entire song forward or back? Or do you have to do it channel by channel?



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Yeah, at this point you want to do one of two things: the new way is to create automation clips (you can right click on whatever you want to automate - volume, cut, etc and hit "create automation clip" which you can then use in the playlist. The older way is to do it in a pattern with the event editor and then you can repeat this pattern sure, but you will still want to use the playlist. This can be more precise if you want the instrument to do the same thing every time it plays in that pattern. I suggest looking at some of the sample songs that come with fruityloops to figure out how to use patterns in the playlist correctly. I understand that most people coming from midi or mod type programs are used to having one single pattern that plays through the whole song, but with fl you have a straight visual interface where you can see what patterns are playing when. Hence, fruityloops.



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sorry, don't think there's any way to do exactly what you're asking (that goes for both questions).

if you're just concerned about the song you're working on right now, it'd be easy to figure out how to work around the issue if you at least -touch- the playlist, just this once.

if you're concerned about this being a workflow issue, well, i guess it is. it's all up to personal preference and weighing the options based on your desires. For the longest time I was still using separate patterns and "edit events" for automation but I ended up eventually switching to automation clips once I figured them out (though I get the feeling that somehow I'm not doing it quite as efficiently as I could be). Right now I don't understand why anyone would want to use pattern clips in the bottom half of the window instead of just laying everything out as pattern blocks in the top half, but who knows--that may change too. Or perhaps I'll ditch automation clips again. haha~

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I strongly recommend using the playlist if you aren't, it's a very powerful tool (not to mention a MAIN part of the interface), try it out. And DDR Kirby, I used to think the same thing about pattern clips, but now I use them for adding fills and stuff into drum loops and patterns, I either slice off the end of the loop, then make a really short pattern and shove it in the space (thus allowing the original pattern to be unnaffected) but it's also good for gettting rid of lead-ups in songs, if a pattern has a 1 bar leadup or something I'd have to make a new pattern if I want to loop that sequence later (without the lead-up) but with pattern clips I just chop off the lead-up and I'm good to go! They have other uses to though I'm sure.

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